March 4th, 2025

Collector’s Corner: Canada 150 new coins

By Medicine Hat News on November 25, 2017.

The year is almost over and I do not believe there will be any more ‘Canada 150’ coins out so I will tell you about all of them that were released this past year.

The new design coins that you have seen in circulation are all coins that have been designed by Canadian people and voted on by the public. This process was started a few years ago and final results were drawn on the coins with the designer’s initials on the coin. The old design, as seen over the past years, were not put into circulation in 2017. Yes you may have seen them, but they have come out of sets or specially wrapped rolls. They have not and will not be put into circulation.

The first to be issued was the premium proof set which sold out very quickly ($229.95). Following that came the silver dollar 150 ($59.95). At the same time they released the $10 150 silver Maple Leaf ($29.95). The classic uncirculated set which consisted of the old design ($24.95), and also with the classic design were the gift sets, Wedding, Baby, Birthday, and Oh Canada set ($21.95). These gift set coins all came out with the regular design similar to past years, but had the special loon pertaining to the set. Soon after that was a 12-coin set in a cardboard holder featuring the old design coins along with the new design, with the exception of the 50-cent coin ($34.95).

Another set issued was a folder with five coins, with coloured design on the Toonie and Quarter ($19.95). There is also an eight-coin set with the plain and coloured coins, all with new design, but had the new design of the 50-cent coin on it ($26.95). The $3 silver coin also has the Canada 150 design on it ($19.95), and also the $5 pure silver coin with glow-in-the-dark features ($29.95). The second series of proof set and silver dollar was then released depicting Canada confederation ($234.95). The silver dollars in this set had a different design than that of the first set. There was a single silver dollar that matched this set also ($59.95). There were two other types of 150 silver dollars this year, one with a red inlay ($69.95), and the other with just silver ($59.95). There was the third premium proof set and it had the design of all the 1967 coins with all the animals on the coins ($234.95). In the regular proof set there was a 150 red silver with red inlay on the silver dollar ($99.95).

Besides the sets, the mint produced a five-roll set with each denomination of coins in both the new design and also the old design, or, traditional design ($184.95) with the exception of the 50 cent coin. It was sold separately in a two- roll pack with one roll of old design and one roll with new design ($49.95). All above prices are the mint issue prices.

I would like to make a suggestion that if there is a coin, or set that interests you, or you may want it for a Christmas gift, I would go to your coin dealer and pick it up as these coins are selling very fast and some have already sold out.

Collector’s Corner is contributed by the Medicine Hat Coin & Stamp Club. For questions or comments about coin or stamp collection email

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