March 4th, 2025

Mental Health Matters: When youth volunteer

By Medicine Hat News on November 18, 2017.

The experience of volunteering provides young people with self-confidence, work experience, flexible thinking and independence.

There are so many first experiences that are nerve racking and working is one of them. Everything from the interview, to the training and the new personalities of co-workers — the unknowns. This is when the value of volunteering can be immeasurable. Not only do the young people gain valuable skills that can be transferred to the work force but they learn important social skills that are required to maintain a paying job. Being able to have volunteering jobs on a resume and listing the skills acquired by the experience will assist in obtaining that first paying job.

In some volunteering situations the tasks that are required to be completed change from day to day. This can teach flexible thinking and multi-tasking in the work environment. This also assists with the communication skills when getting and executing directions.

When youth are encouraged to try new things and have success they can see that the ‘risk’ is decreased and the more willing they are to try other new thing. Having success at their volunteering job will increase their self-confidence and independence.

Those young people who start volunteering at a young age can see the value in participating in something bigger themselves, are engaged with positive like-minded people and are more likely to continue volunteering throughout their lives.

If you have any questions about volunteering for CMHA or The POST, please contact me at the The POST at 527-0326, or through email at, and visit our website at

Lisa Fahselt is the store manager of The POST, Medicine Hat’s friendliest thrift store.

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