March 4th, 2025

Buds and Blooms: The Windmill elves are decorating

By Medicine Hat News on November 18, 2017.

The winter-land elves at the Windmill Garden Centre have been constructive with their hands and creative with their minds. Come down to see the interesting ideas for decorating a Christmas tree. They will inspire your artistic side.

My favourite tree is the woodland one with squirrels, foxes, owls, snowmen and braided burlap garland. The silver and gold tree is adorned with peace and love signs amongst the variation of gold balls and small figurines. The elves have put together a very colourful butterfly tree and a super joyful tree of toys, with elves standing on the heads as a tree topper. I think children will really enjoy these suggestions.

Some very modern trees are decorated with shades of blue, purple, teal and emerald colours, like Mardi Gras; and the black and white ornaments with the large white angel topper are novel, as is the turquoise and silver bedazzled tree with peacocks.

For the athlete in your family, a tree with figure skates on top, wrapped in red-striped ribbon holds other sports novelties that can be given to the soccer player, golfer, basketball star, or baseball enthusiast. They all make Christmas fun and personal. Dress a gift with one.

The gardener in your life will surely appreciate a small ornament from the gardener’s tree.

Whether you decide on an artificial tree or cut down a real tree is a decision not to take lightly. An artificial tree is a one-time purchase and very convenient. You can buy them pre-lit or string the lights yourself. A pine fragrance can also be sprayed on the tree to make it smell authentic. I’m not sure Mother Nature likes us to cut down her trees, since they provide the air we breathe and it takes more care to keep it green through the holiday season. A fresh tree is a very thirsty tree and a fire hazard if it dries out. Be careful.

The Christmas stage has been set for your eyes. John Van Dam’s handmade stagecoach has also been presented in his memory. Built in the 80s, the stagecoach was drawn by miniature horses in the parade years ago. It is a replica of a stagecoach from the Lethbridge Stampede. The greenhouse is also home to the historic, classic 1946 Fargo truck, for the classic car enthusiasts to view.

Buying a hand-crafted birdhouse, peanut ring, or tube feeder for the birds will also bring so much joy while watching through the winter.

The wee birds need all the help you can afford to give them. Perhaps a bird bath?

With the two dumps of snow we have had I am enthused about Christmas. The many colours of poinsettia, red, white, pink, burgundy; as well as an amazing amaryllis bulb you can pot up yourself; or a Christmas cactus that will also bloom at Easter time are three great choices to bring colour into your home or give to a friend or neighbour.

The local greenhouses create a wonderful feeling of Christmas for their customers and we would enjoy your company at our Christmas Land Open House with live music “By Chance,” food and drink. Festive Black Friday 6-9 p.m. will give you the opportunity to get in the mood for Christmas giving.

Please give some thought to use less gift wrap. Use newspaper or fabric bags instead. Give a practical gift — homemade cookies, a night at the movies, or a family gift card to John’s Butterfly House; give to those less fortunate — teach your children to give is better than to get.

Thirty-seven days until Christmas!

Bev Crawford is the Perennial House Manager at The Windmill Garden Centre and John’s Butterfly House.

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