March 4th, 2025

By the Way: Winning with Jesus

By Medicine Hat News on November 4, 2017.

Who is winning out there anyway? We could ask that question looking at the world’s conditions with the multiple wars and terrorism attacks of late.

As I have talked to multiple people around the city and in my travels there is an uneasiness building up with folks and they are visibly nervous. Is there an answer to all of this or are things just going to get a whole lot worse? As I have studied scripture for more than 30 years and have tried to honestly apply the world’s events to the Bible there is an answer.

In the Book of Daniel he lays out the world’s history in a few short verses in Chapter 9. As well, Jesus gave us a picture of world events in Matthew 23 and Mark 13. If we study these verses we see that things actually will get worse before they get better. In my tracking over the years of recorded events such as earthquakes, flooding, volcanic eruptions, historic animal deaths, etc., the statistics from various agencies have led to the overwhelming conclusion that Jesus is right that world events will play out for the worse. So who wins then? Well, in my Bible on the last page I have for years written “We win.”

I’m not talking about some terrorist organization or some country because of its military might. I’m talking about Jesus.

History has been laid out for all mankind in the Bible for several thousand years. We just have not paid attention to the guidebook of guidebooks. World events are alarming but when we examine the final outcome we will see Jesus returning and fixing the problem. The problem is in fact man’s willingness to ignore Christ and live apart from Him and His forgiveness of what we have done.

Romans 10:8-10 sums up the entire dilemma of mankind and the solution. Unfortunately for the world it’s not another religion or person, it’s Jesus. Is this too simple, or as some say narrow thinking?

I have lived on the other side of things and I can testify I would rather be on a narrow road to eternity than on the wrong side of the road going against traffic.

In the midst of such world chaos, hate and lack of love there is a wonderful answer and accepting Jesus as lord and saviour and eternal hope is the answer.

Follow Romans 10:8-10 and you will not go wrong as thousands around the world are doing each day. We win only with Jesus.

See you in church this Sunday.

Pastor Lyle Berg is from First Assembly of God.

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