March 4th, 2025

Seniors News and Views for November

By Medicine Hat News on October 30, 2017.

Wellness Wednesday Events

Movie Matinee – The Book of Henry – Nov. 1 – 12:30 p.m., South Auditorium

Single mother Susan Carpenter works as a waitress alongside her feisty family friend Sheila. Taking care of everyone and everything in his own way is Susan’s older son Henry. Protective of his brother and a tireless supporter of his often self-doubting mother, Henry blazes through the days like a comet. When Susan discovers that the family next door harbors a dark secret, she’s surprised to learn that Henry has devised a plan to help the young daughter.

Supportive Counselling Services – Wednesday, Nov. 8, 9 a.m.-noon

Free telephone or in-person consultations with Medicine Hat Family Service professionals on stress management, family issues, or health and age-related losses.

Call 403-504-8026 (MH Family Service) for an appointment.

Wellness Workshop – Stuck in a Rut, How to Survive a Medicine Hat Winter – Wednesday, Nov. 15, 10 a.m.-noon

We all know that remaining active, not just physically but mentally is a great way to maintain health as we age. In Alberta we are challenged through our long, cold winters. Join me as we do more than just talk about it! We will use our collective intelligence to discover exciting ideas to keep us all out of the “rut this winter. Facilitated by Ann Pudwell – Alberta Health Services South Auditorium Strathcona Centre. Register by calling 403-529-8307.

Dills (Drop-in Lifelong Learning Series) Enneagram Personality Typing – Wednesday, Nov. 22, 10 a.m.-noon

Are you an activist? A people pleaser? An achiever? An artist? An observer? A loyal skeptic? An entertainer? A dominator? A peacemaker? Have you ever wondered about your personality? Did you know we are born with a dominant personality type that carries with us throughout our life? Enneagram is a personality typing system that acknowledges that individuals are dominated by one of nine personality types. Join us as we learn about our own enneagram types and what that means for us. Through identifying our enneagram type, it will not determine who we are, but rather what we consistently and habitually do. Once we identify our enneagram type, we will explore how you deal with stress, what to do based on that knowledge and how to find balance. Facilitated by MH Family Service – call 403-529-8307 to register.

Snow Angels

Snow Angels is an awareness and recognition campaign to encourage Medicine Hatters to help a neighbour in need by shovelling their snow. To be a Snow Angel, all you need to do is shovel snow for a person or persons in-need in your neighbourhood. If you’ve been helped by a Snow Angel, you can thank them by filling out a recognition form. For more information or to recognize your Snow Angel go to

The Bistro at the Strathcona Centre

Daily Lunch Specials:

Mondays: Santa Fe Chicken

(Grilled Chicken, Bacon, Guacamole & Swiss Cheese)

Tuesdays: Philly Beef with Red Onion & Mushrooms

Wednesdays: Baked Ham & Swiss Cheese Croissant

Thursdays: Turkey, Bacon, Cheddar & Ranch on Marble Rye

Friday – Hot Lunch Menu

All meals come with Soup, Veggies and Dessert of the Day.

Nov. 3: Sweet & Sour Pork and Fried Rice

Nov. 10: Veal Cutlet & Onion Gravy

Nov. 17: Baked Salmon & Hollandaise Sauce

Nov. 24: Italian Chicken Schnitzel and Macaroni & Cheese

Pardon Me?

Have you noticed that you are using this phrase more often? Is it less enjoyable to participate in social gatherings because it’s hard to hear? While our hearing does tend to decrease over time, there are solutions that work. Come down to the Strathcona Centre and a try a Pocket Talker. Pocket Talkers have a small microphone which amplifies and transmits the sound through earphones or ear buds. You can adjust the volume and tone as desired. It works well both for people who use hearing aids and for those who don’t.

Pocket Talkers are free to use while in the building. Simply sign one out at the Strathcona Centre reception desk and use it while you are playing cards, or having coffee or lunch with friends. The Pocket Talkers are free to use while in the building; just bring your own earphones to use. The Pocket Talkers are easy to use and you’ll be surprised what a difference they make. Why not give it a try.

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