March 3rd, 2025

Fall Festival Sunday at P.P. Park

By Medicine Hat News on September 30, 2017.

Medicine Hat News

Medicine Hat is bursting with activities for Alberta Culture Days and one of Saturday’s activities is a powwow at the Saamis Tepee. On Sunday, the celebration moves to Police Point Park for the annual Fall Festival.

The festival will have activities starting at 11 a.m.There will be fiddling and dancing and cooking bannock over the campfire. “We are pleased to have Miwaysin helping us host a kitchen party again this year,” said chief interpreter Corlaine Gardner. “We always have a lively time with the music and dancing and food.”

The interpretive program has also planned some NorthWest Mounted Police activities.

The treasure hunts or letterbox routes will give families and friends lots of chance to explore the park and come up with some interesting results!

Of course,the campfire will be burning, and there will be hot dogs to roast. A small fee will cover the cost of those, but the other activities are free.

Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy a beautiful fall day in one of Medicine Hat’s special places.

For more information, call 403-529-6225.

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