March 3rd, 2025

Collector’s Corner: Coin and stamp show today at Higdon Hall

By Medicine Hat News on September 30, 2017.

The fall coin and stamp show is today at Higdon Hall, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

There will be collector coins (which are coins that are specially cased) on display. Some of these examples would be the $3 Square beaver coin, glow in the dark 25-cent coin, dinosaur coin, bird series coins, Superman coins, snowflake coins, Canada 150 coins and sets and much, much more.

These types of coins make excellent Christmas gifts.

In circulation coins you will also find the 1925 nickel, 1926 far nickel, the four types of the 2006 toonie, both styles of the 2012 loonie and toonie. Also there will be Canadian bills, bills with replacement notes, foreign bills, Canadian Trade dollars, tokens, and roman coins. On display (but not for sale) will be a 27AD (Pontius Pilate) coin, at the RJ Coin booth. There will be a good selection of large pennies, all the small pennies from 1920 to 2012, including both the magnetic and non- magnetic types.

For the people who are looking at foreign coins, the junior members of our club will have a good selection to pick from, and priced reasonably. The proceeds from these sales go directly to the kids for their own supplies. Please come out and support the kids. Also we do appreciate all donations to the kids.

If you have a child who may be interested in the junior membership, please stop by the club table and register their name. You may also want to pick up supplies for your coins or stamps. For the stamp collectors there will be tables with Canadian, U.S., and international stamps, in mint, used, and also first-day covers.

You may not know the worth of some of your coins or stamps, so this may be a good place to bring them and ask someone what they are worth. Large collections may require additional time outside of show hours.

We encourage people to come and have a look, even if you do not need anything. It is a good way to pass a little time and learn some history of our country. There will also be door handouts, and door prizes. Just remember this show is sponsored by our local Medicine Hat Coin & Stamp Club.

Collector’s Corner is contributed by the Medicine Hat Coin & Stamp Club. For questions or comments about coin or stamp collection email

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