March 3rd, 2025

Seniors News and Views for October

By Medicine Hat News on September 25, 2017.

Strathcona Centre will be closed Oct. 9 for Thanksgiving. Enjoy your holiday!

The Victoria Show

Victoria is a play combining dance, theatre and video. It succeeds in being both touching and hilarious — a rare feat! Dulcinea Langfelder plays Victoria, a sensual and funny woman who gets by on the small triumphs of everyday life. But at age 90, she is trapped in a body that no longer responds as she would like. She escapes from her physical limitations through her imagination, sharing her memories and dreams with the audience, and in so doing imparting to us insight into illness and the end of life. A tender, refreshing perspective that reminds us of the beauty of life. This piece has something for everyone.

Victoriawill be on the Esplanade Main Stage Oct. 23 at 7:30 p.m. Get your tickets at for only $10.

Join us before and after the show for an Aging Adults & Caregiver Resource Display in the lobby, presented in partnership and with support from FCSS.

Wellness Wednesday Events

“Megan Leavey” – Movie Matinee Oct. 4, 12:45 p.m.

When her best friend dies, Megan Leavey feels lost. Tired of living with her mother and stepfather, Megan joins the U.S. Marines. While there, she finds her purpose as she’s cleaning out the dog kennels, and asks to join the K9 division.

She’s partnered with their most aggressive dog, Rex, but manages to form a bond with him as they’re shipped overseas. The two save countless lives in their missions to seek out hidden bombs and IEDs, but on one such mission, a car explodes and both are thrown into the air.

Injured, Megan is sent home to the States, but is disappointed that Rex isn’t retired from duty as well, as he was also injured. She can’t bear to be separated from Rex, who’s sent back overseas to continue active duty. She fights to get him released as the hero he is and adopt him as her own. Rating:PG-13

Supportive Counselling Services – Oct. 11, 9 a.m.-noon

Free telephone or in-person consultations with Medicine Hat Family Service professionals on stress management, family issues, or health and age-related losses.

Call 403-504-8026 (MH Family Service) for an appointment

Dills (Drop-in Lifelong Learning Series) — Oct. 25, 10 a.m.-noon

Grandparents’ Role in the Lives of their Grandchildren — You are welcome to join a group of grandparents for a morning of conversation about grandparenting in the 21st century. Grandparents are an important and significant part of their grandchildren’s development. As grandparents enrich their grandchildren’s lives, grandchildren can in turn enrich their grandparents’ lives. Come and share your story of grandparenting today. Facilitated by MH Family Service.

To register call: 403-527-8307

Wellness Workshop – Funeral Planning, Oct. 18, 9 a.m.-noon

South Auditorium, Strathcona Centre

Join us for an interesting and informative presentation by the local funeral homes covering topics such as:

What to Do When a Death Occurs?

How to Prepare for Your Funeral and Why?

The Variety of Options, Depending on Your Wishes.

Cemetery Options? City of Medicine Hat Memorial Programs

This will be a great opportunity to talk to local funeral providers. By planning now, your loved ones will know you were remembered as you wanted to be.

Register by calling 403-529-8307

The Bistro at the Strathcona Centre

Friday – Hot Lunch Menu – All meals come with Soup, Veggies and Dessert of the Day.

Oct. 6 – Thanksgiving Special

Roast Turkey and Dressing

Oct. 13 – Salisbury Steak & Yorkshire Pudding

Oct. 20 – Roast Chicken

Oct. 27- Beef & Vegetable Pot Pie

Daily Lunch Specials:

Mondays: Santa Fe Chicken

(Grilled Chicken, Bacon, Guacamole & Swiss Cheese)

Tuesdays: Philly Beef with Red Onion & Mushrooms

Wednesdays: Baked Ham & Swiss Cheese Croissant

Thursdays: Turkey, Bacon, Cheddar & Ranch on Marble Rye

Our New Classes

Solid Gold Fitness

Using movement and music for a fun and fantastic workout.

Wednesdays- 12:30-1:15 p.m.

Seven-week session (Oct. 11, 18, 25, Nov. 8, 15, 22, 29)

$35/seven-week session, $7 single class drop-in

Contact: Krista Olsson-Campbell 403-458-2583

Yoga Gold

A chair-based class that brings all the benefits of yoga to participants who may be challenged by getting up and down from the floor.

Standing and seated poses, breathing, and relaxation are included.

Wednesdays- 1:30-2:15 p.m.

Seven-week session (Oct 11, 18, 25, Nov 8, 15, 22, 29)

$35/seven- week session, $7 single class drop-in

Contact: Krista Olsson-Campbell 403-458-2583

Free Workshops

‘Improving Communication’ Workshop for Caregivers — Oct. 21 10-11 a.m. Esplanade — 401 First Street S.E. To register call 403-529-8307.

The look in the eye, the tone of voice É so many unconscious signals betray our best intentions when we are dealing with delicate situations. This workshop gives participants the tools to better master the messages we send and receive, beyond words. Great workshop designed for family or professional caregivers. Workshop facilitated by: Dulcinea Langfelder & Anne Sabourin.

‘Movement for Seniors’ Workshop — Ot. 21, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Esplanade — 401 First Street S.E. To register call 403-529-8307.

Reconnect with your body at any age. ‘User friendly’ movement, to take back your body, to bring energy, pleasure, and self-assurance in a welcoming atmosphere making everything else a bit easier. Designed for independent seniors and seniors who are less self-sufficient (accompanied by family or a professional caregiver). Workshop facilitated by: Dulcinea Langfelder & Anne Sabourin.

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