January 17th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Jan. 9, 2025

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on January 9, 2025.

Tickled Pink

Justin Trudeau resigns and we can finally say “good-bye” to the worst prime minister this country has ever elected.

Ticked Off

Texas has a homicide rate three times higher than Alberta’s, yet the UCP has sent two justice ministers to Texas to learn from them. The government would be wiser to send them to Ontario or Quebec, both provinces have homicide rates far lower than Alberta. Of course, a taxpayer-paid January holiday in Texas is probably preferable to one in Ontario.

Ticked Off

On Jan. 15 my wife and I will receive a quarterly amount of $400 carbon tax rebate. That works out to $133 a month. Poilievre says he will cancel that. He will also cancel the national dental program. Are Albertans OK with this, especially seniors?

Tickled Pink

I will be when we have a conservative federal government that will axe the carbon tax. This month my utility carbon tax was over 201% of the commodity cost. Ridiculous!

Tickled Pink

Trudeau resignation! But, believe it is just more of Trudeau’s lies until I see him step down.

Ticked Off

That some people think the only reason for an increase in prices is the carbon tax – which does not exist in the U.S. Prices in the U.S. have risen in part because of their $36.17T debt; the annual interest payment alone is staggering, That debt translates to the annual salary of 565,000,000 American workers. Every one pays when governments waste money.

Tickled Pink

It’s great that the grandstand at the Stampede grounds is used 40 days a year. But, my question would be how many of those event days is there more than 2,000 people in the stands? I don’t think spending $37 million for a few days a year is a good investment for our city’s funds.

Ticked Off

At the person who said the Big Marble Go Centre was under utilized. They must not use it as the rink, pool, gym and field areas are busy every day. I am there every day. We need more indoor fitness areas that can be used year round.

Tickled Pink

With the suggestion in a previous TO/TP that the city conduct a careful survey of Big Marble Go members to determine the impact of a south-side facility before any major investment.

Tickled Pink

All three commentaries in today’s paper focus on Trump, incoming President of a different country. He can sure get in people’s heads. Gotta love him.

Tickled Pink

If the government of Canada is not able to do business because it is prorogued then all the members of parliament should not get paid.

Ticked Off

Every single day between 4 and 5 p.m. on First Street SW by the windmill, there is a playground zone. I would say one out of every six people actually do 30 km/h there though. I informed the police about this a while back, but not a thing has been done. What a great tribute to the little girl who was killed there for that same reason.

Ticked Off

At Pierre Poilievre for engaging with Jordan Peterson; and while his country is being attacked by Trump, he’s using Trump’s threats to his benefit. And he can’t be bothered to actually face the press, but only posts messages on social media, pandering to the extremists he’s courting.

Ticked Off

If you like the idea of becoming the “51st state,” feel free to emigrate south. The rest of us are proud Canadians regardless of who’s running the government.

Tickled Pink

I would be if people would find the song, “Up Here in Canada” by Clark W. on Facebook and share it. It is a very positive song and spreads smiles and national pride. You might just catch yourself humming the chorus while out and about.

Ticked Off

Glen Motz is always criticizing the Liberal government. I think he is projecting. He says the Liberals are in chaos, what about the chaos in his term? The chaos of ineffectiveness. Let’s look at the list of his accomplishments. Doh.

Ticked Off

To the young driver of the pickup truck. You were approaching a stop sign and we had the right of way. You drove straight through the stop sign and we almost collided. Then you shook your fist at us. Did you order your driver’s licence on Amazon?

Tickled Pink

That Danielle Smith is so involved in standing up for the oil companies. It is almost like she is employed by them.

Tickled Pink

The suggestion that the mayor be chosen by the elected councillors is a great idea. We already do not elect the prime minister, so why not have the same set up for mayors?

Ticked Off

Another year of a childish council. If we don’t get a council that is economically minded Medicine Hat will become a forgotten city.

Tickled Pink

That my Grade 4 English teachers, taught me the difference between: they’re, there and their and when to use each one. Sadly, I feel a lot of people slept through that particular class.

Tickled Pink

That our prime minister has prorogued parliament until March 24. I think it’s great that our federal politicians will be enjoying these delicious Ukrainian dumplings for two months. ( 🙂 ) Dear editor, With all the devastation and seriousness in the world, I’m hoping that a little humour can add a chuckle to the readers.

Tickled Pink

I’m sure there are people who are just as tickled that Justin Trudeau has resigned as I was when Stephen Harper was defeated in the 2015 election.

Ticked Off

Trump promises to destroy Canada economically in order to annex Canada, and our premier plans to travel to Washington DC (at taxpayer expense) to celebrate alongside him. Isn’t it time for the citizens of Medicine Hat to recall our MLA?

Ticked Off

Will our premier still spend taxpayers’ money to attend the inauguration of a lame-duck president who’s intent is take over our country by economic force, which will affect our province more than any other province in this country?

Tickled Pink

Trudeau got fired. Woohoo! Don’t let the door hit you on your way out.

Ticked Off

Because my gym membership increased on Jan. 1 with the promise of new gym equipment. Guess what? No new equipment until March or April.

Tickled Pink

Mr. Trump wants to add at least 20 million Democrats to his country’s voters list. Canada as a state would be very Blue. Not going to happen.

Ticked Off

Trudeau is being accurately described as the “idiot king,” but don’t forget Gerald Butts also has much of the blood on his hands for destroying Canada’s economy. They are longtime close buddies for a reason, and it’s all bad.

Ticked Off

Trump and his media-generating games re: Canada 51st state. As a Canadian reporter stated, Trump can smell fear like a shark smells blood.

Ticked Off

Strange in today’s paper, article about fire blankets. After much research, Prepared Hero fire blankets do conform to CE Safety Standards. EN 1869:2019 EN 1896:1997 So, maybe there are some other kinds out there that are not approved? Looks like other brands in Canada also conform. Confusing?

Ticked Off

I think anyone who wants Canada to become part of the U.S. should identify themselves so real Canadians can begin the process of their deportation.

Tickled Pink

I totally surprised myself by agreeing with all of MH News Bruce Penton’s Noteworthy column. That doesn’t happen much too often. I must be getting old.

Tickled Pink

To hear from a group of teens asked: If you could have dinner with anyone, who would you choose and why? All answered Family, mom, dad, extended family. Not one mention of a celebrity. That to me is a beautiful thing. What say you?

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