March 6th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Aug. 27, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on August 27, 2024.

Ticked Off

That we have kids who are hungry and bullied, yet our conservative premier is worried about names and pronouns. Stay in your lane, and out of my child’s life.

Ticked Off

Good thing the person at the MH News that comments on some of the TO/TP posts doesn’t work for the city, as he/she would be violating the city’s code of conduct with some of the remarks.

Ticked Off

I for one when riding my e-bike ring my bell every time I come up on someone walking the trails. Many times it’s happened that they don’t move over, or act like they don’t hear my bell even though I’ve rang it several times, only to see they have earbuds in and can’t hear me. So, there is also that side to the story for people complaining about e-bike riders.

Ticked Off

There are many responsible cyclists; why it’s so annoying for pedestrians and them, are bicyclists who do not adhere to rules or common courtesies. It’s called a ‘sidewalk,’ it is not a bike lane.

Tickled Pink

Thank you, editor, for calling out the lame duck(s), with no understanding of politics, offering no facts just their strong opinions. Einstein said it best, “I refuse to engage in an intellectual battle with an unarmed man.” If you’re putting yourself out there, at least know what you’re talking about.

Ticked Off

I was shocked to read in TO/TP that a contributor is misinformed enough to think all of council (and the mayor’s) work is done at city council meetings. Ninety per cent of their work goes on outside these meetings.

Ticked Off

That people think just because something has always been done one way means that is the only way – period. “It has always been done that way,” is not an explanation. Period.

Tickled Pink

Journalists study, train, do research; they collect, assimilate and report best possible unbiased news info. Where does your news come from? Social media platforms, AI algorithms, folks at the coffee shop? How fact based, one sided are they? A story may not reflect your views but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

Tickled Pink

Your wolves coming in to feed, only do so on the lame, sick and weak. They do the environment a favour by cleaning up, leaving a healthier population to thrive.

Tickled Pink

With the reply to the PM/CPC rail shutdown v. Russian jets.

Tickled Pink

Knowing that these councillors will never be elected again in the Hat.

Tickled Pink

That all you “well-heeled” supporters of our infamous mayor are eating crow now that the real story has come out. No matter the judge’s decision, the truth shall always prevail.

Ticked Off

That TO/TP had a segment where the editor went on a power trip due to a specific comment complaining about media bias. I and many others read this section to hear the opinions of others about current ongoing events in this community, and while the editor’s impersonation of a petulant child is entertaining, it’s not what me and a lot of other people are here to see. (Editor’s note: It wasn’t a complaint about media bias, it was an accusation that we, specifically, were being biased. And, really, the ‘power trip’ you’re referring to was more like ‘fed up with being a scapegoat for anything people don’t like or understand simply because we aren’t here to be yet another confirmation algorithm for their every belief.’ Ya know?)

Tickled Pink

Would be if someone would find and take down the crow’s nest in Crestwood so they don’t return to it next year. Crows decimate song birds’ nests by eating the eggs and chicks.

Ticked Off

So why are council members making statements against the mayor before the judge gives her ruling?

Tickled Pink

With the best deal in the city – our public library. So many books and DVDs to choose from, programs for all ages, friendly staff and probably the prettiest flower beds in the city (as usual). And it’s all free!

Ticked Off

What is the matter with Smith and the UCP that they don’t understand Albertans do not want any exemptions for coal mining in the Rockies, under any circumstance. This continuing issue is only about money over the environment and health of Albertans.

Tickled Pink

I know it’s not against the law for men to walk around with no shirt on, however I would be tickled pink if I didn’t have to see these guys flaunting their man boobs while on my walk to the grocery store.

Ticked Off

That past and present police officers get a discount when buying new vehicles. I don’t see the council writing letters about this.

Ticked Off

Another summer has nearly passed. I’m sure visitors to the Hat were quite impressed that our weeds grow nearly as tall as the dead trees.

Tickled Pink

That the freezers at most local grocery chains can fit a 250-pound man with enough space for people to get their milk, eggs and other groceries. It has really helped me cut down on air conditioning.

Ticked Off

Is the city an equal opportunity employer? Optics appear that if you are a friend or family member of a director or councillor you take precedence over competence.

Ticked Off

Was at Elkwater this weekend and was ticked with all the traffic passing on solid lines, hills. If drivers want to kill themselves, please don’t try to kill me. Does the RCMP not patrol Highway 41?

Ticked Off

Premier Smith has done nothing for our area. It’s sad that an absentee is representing this city. It should be a rule for MLAs to reside in their constituencies.

Tickled Pink

There are two hard working women who deserve a lot of credit for cleaning up the bushes and trees along the walking paths in Saamis Heights. Thank you very much.

Ticked Off

At people who take their load to the dump not secured and lose some of their stuff all over the road. For example, someone had lost a box spring on the weekend. Pleas secure your load, and if you lose something off your load, stop your vehicle and pick it up.

Ticked Off

As beautiful as blue jays are, they are just screaming cannibals. Really not a great bird to have around.

Ticked Off

Leave it to CPKC to put Canada’s economy in jeopardy and then wonder why everything is so expensive.

Ticked Off

Now that the mayor has forced more information to become public, I see no other option than she resign immediately so the rest of council can move on.

Tickled Pink

With rail workers taking a stand and deciding to strike for better working conditions. People seem to forget companies can’t function without workers, boots on the ground, the lower class. These are good people just trying to do their jobs and support their families. Meanwhile, the CEO for CN is making $14 million a year. Does that seem fair to you?

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