March 6th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Aug. 1, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on August 1, 2024.

Tickled Pink

I figured out what Trump can call “Kamala” Harris – wait for it – Madam President.

Ticked Off

At the person’s comment that I should use my noodle regarding the idea that dogs jeopardize my safety in stores. Why should I have to ask any establishment to accommodate me when I belong there before any animal? I realize they are not running around, you idiot. Still does not make it right that I, as a customer who is paying for any merchandise, has to consider if a dog will be around the corner. For Pete’s sake, they are not children, so keep them at home.

Ticked Off

That I am now seeing people laying their dogs on outside patio tables. Wow, just another way that health and safety codes are being broken. So I won’t know what’s been on the table I am eating off before I sit there. How can a wood table be properly cleaned?

Ticked Off

As I do yard work and clean up cigarette butts off my lawn I think of all the fires around Alberta. It baffles me why people continue to throw butts carelessly away.

Ticked Off

Who has control of the temperature at the Veiner Centre? It’s an icebox. In 38-degree weather, why do we need to wear a sweater as the vents are blowing directly down on us? Please take the time and adjust the temperature control to a more comfortable level.

Ticked Off

People need to think of others when discarding food scraps, namely chicken bones. Dogs who find them can be seriously injured from eating them. Put them in garbage cans where they belong.

Tickled Pink

I would be thrilled if city looked at creating a virtual power plant, like Ontario has set up. Not only would it help reduce demand for electricity, but it would be more efficient. Plus, customers who enrol get perks.

Ticked Off

If you truly don’t understand that Canada is broken, you are part of the problem, not the coming solution. (Editor’s note: Could’ve at least listed an example or two, you know?)

Ticked Off

With all the construction downtown, perhaps the city could give the businesses some perks like no utilities, or business licence cost waved. I get that it needs to be done, but help them out so they don’t close.

Tickled Pink

Yes, the construction downtown is a pain, but if you want local shops to thrive, Hatters need to support them. Show your support for local Hatters.

Tickled Pink

Love the local bakery on Dunmore Road, such delicious breads they make. Most chains use a mix to make the breads, cakes, bagels, etc.

Ticked Off

All the money spent on ‘tin can alley’ and it isn’t being well utilized.

Ticked Off

If our premier can be brought to near tears in the wake of the destruction in Jasper, perhaps she will rethink the decision to devastate the eastern slopes of the Rockies in the pursuit of profit from coal mining.

Ticked Off

WestJet is cutting down service from Medicine Hat to Calgary in fall.

Tickled Pink

That I was able to see the (very impressive) Stampede Visual Arts show for free on the Monday night of the Summer Jam without having to pay for a gate admission.

Tickled Pink

I would be if councillors told citizens the full story and not only a part of it that suits the narrative. If you want the citizens to trust you, you need to earn it.

Tickled Pink

Kudos to the farm family who brought a truckload of potatoes to give away for free on Saturday. What a generous deed. The church parking lot was a busy, happy place.

Ticked Off

Miss the days when the only people with tattoos were prisoners and long haul truckers. Now it’s as if people were born with them. (Editor’s note: It’s weird how people so often talk about a time when everyone “just minded their own business.” I guess that time was before tattoos.)

Ticked Off

I agree with the previous submission. Please show the entire Stampede Parade on TV. There are many people who can’t get out to watch. Seniors, people who are working, those confined to a home for some reason. The parade was always shown in full a few years back. Please show more than a few shots.

Ticked Off

Your head must be made of the same material as your rock lawn if you think you are going to solve climate change saving a little water while you’re heating up the air with your hot rocks. Put your hand over a cool lawn as compared to your rock quarry at mid afternoon.

Ticked Off

That places are advertising they are hiring when I know many who have their resumes there and yet are not being considered. Fast food places will mostly get teenagers to work there. So, hire them.

Ticked Off

I agree, the person who doesn’t want growth has rocks in their head. They are called gems of wisdom. Calgary is five times the population it was 50-odd years ago. What if it grows five times again in 50 years? Will the Bow River water make it to Medicine Hat? The Colorado River doesn’t make it to the ocean.

Ticked Off

If you don’t want to water your lawn, at least mow it to keep the weeds from spreading seeds.

Ticked Off

I did not know you can camp at Rotary Park on N. Railway Street. As a concerned property owner, we cannot enjoy the park anymore as there is so much garbage and drug use, etc. Never mind the theft in the area.

Ticked Off

Still, that the local TV station just shows the one high school’s graduates. What happened to the other high schools graduates?

Ticked Off

Growing Medicine Hat’s population won’t make it better, unless you think more traffic, more pollution, more crowded counts as better. What is the upside? There isn’t one.

Ticked Off

Why doesn’t the City of Medicine Hat have any designated cooling centres? I guess those living in the heat don’t matter? C’mon, show a little humanity.

Ticked Off

I challenge any “community minded” council member to spend 48 hours on the streets of their city with only a backpack. Try to find a toilet, a shower, a place to escape the heat, a place to rest safely. Go ahead, I dare you.

Ticked Off

About lack of follow-up on the shooting at the apartment building on July 27, especially the injuries to the police officers. Supposedly, ASIRT was to do a press release Monday, but so far nothing.

Tickled Pink

Our Tigers put in a bid for the Memorial Cup. This longtime season ticket holder is excited to see other CHL teams come through to play our Tigers.

Tickled Pink

From Trudeau’s lips: “In my 30s I was very much a youth activist.” Well, that explains a lot. He also says he thinks about quitting every day. Well, we can help him with that.

Ticked Off

That Pierre Poilievre wants to defund the CBC. It’s hard to see this as anything else but an attack on the very heart of what it means to be Canadian, our history and our heritage. Maybe next he’ll try to cancel hockey and maple syrup.

Tickled Pink

Tickled Orange that the Tigers plan to bid on the 2026 Memorial Cup. Finally, something to get excited about! A wonderful way to showcase our beautiful city and celebrate what us Tigers fans have known for years, that we have the greatest junior hockey franchise in the country! Let’s go!

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