October 24th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, June 27, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on June 27, 2024.

Ticked Off

At campers who run generators and have the gall to place it beside their units where it’s less noisy for them to listen to and noisy for where I am camped. I am tired of all their noise. Why bother camping if you need that much electricity and all the comforts of home? Stay home. You are ruining the camping experience for others who camp to enjoy the sounds of nature.

Ticked Off

I too would like there to be rainfall reports, even though they can never be accurate. You can tell thunder clouds distribute rain randomly when you see them in the sky. It can rain at the airport and no place else in the city, but some estimate would be appreciated.

Ticked Off

Canadian voters have the right to know the names of the MPs as it relates to foreign interference. If that was the average working Canadian we would be charged criminally. Disgusting that it is being kept a secret.

Ticked Off

I don’t think the general population of Medicine Hat should invest roughly $1 million to connect the Canton Creek subdivision trails to the rest of the city. It is too expensive and truly benefits only a very small portion of our population. I am an avid cyclist who lives in South Ridge and yes, I have cycled through the Canyon Creek dip but I would much rather see this amount spent to maintain other trails.

Tickled Pink

We must become a “hub” of something, and if it is hydrogen, so be it!

Ticked Off

The Tigers/CHAT have not renewed Gino’s contract. Sorry but not sorry, he was a real joy to listen to doing the play by play and did a much better job than the previous announcer.

Ticked Off

That grown men have to stick out their tongue as far as it can possibly go in pictures just to show how cool they are. You look ridiculous.

Tickled Pink

The record rains in May and some rains this June saved the abandoned tree seedlings at Connaught Pond and Saratoga Park. They lied, but thank you, Mother Nature.

Tickled Pink

We will be if someone could tell us who’s flying a large drone around the Flats in the evenings.

Ticked Off

That Nenshi is now the NDP leader. My how far the NDP have fallen. Just remember what he thinks of Conservative voters after calling them monkeys. At least Premier Smith has never called the Liberal or NDP voter base derogatory names. (Editor’s note: FYI, he called the UCP caucus monkeys, not the voting base. That’s not to condone anything, it’s just what happened.)

Ticked Off

Is Gilligan’s Island aka Hamptons Phase 3 ever going to be ready for habitation? It’ll be 6 yrs this fall. Guess that’s what happens when you try to build on a deep slough.

Ticked Off

At MH News for the poll about whether Medicine Hat should push for a hydrogen hub without providing any scientific facts of what this actually means. It should not mean using hydrogen (green, blue, grey, bruise coloured, etc.) as a fuel in any way, shape or form. But using green hydrogen as a chemical commodity to displace grey, blue, etc. hydrogen is the thermodynamically and morally sensible thing to do. (Editor’s note: We’ll mark you down as a solid ‘maybe.’)

Ticked Off

There should be no more tax dollars going to the Liberal government, as the only payback we will ever see is being taxed more.

Ticked Off

Charities, no matter how deserving, must be able to provide tax receipts in a timely manner. I have stopped donating to one very, very deserving charity after the struggle I had in getting a tax receipt last year.

Ticked Off

If the mayor is found blameless n the judicial review, which I believe she will be, I trust the city will reinstate her full salary retroactively to when they initially cut it.

Tickled Pink

I am also tickled pink by the CFL. I enjoy the game and always have. Not everything in the U.S. is better.

Ticked Off

To the person upset about dogs in the stores, the only ones legally allowed in stores are service dogs. I suggest you look it up so you can understand the rules. (Editor’s note: As a dog lover and owner I hate to break it to you, but there are a number of all-dog-friendly businesses in town.)

Ticked Off

Canada’s largest industries are real estate, mining and manufacturing. Why do we have a housing shortage? Resources highest since 2015?

Tickled Pink

At the awesome care my wife received during a recent stay at the Medicine Hat Regional Hospital. The staff on 4 West were amazing. Thank you all for your caring and empathy.

Ticked Off

All we are hearing is how conservatives won a byelection. Oh whoopie, for what, 16 months till the next federal election? Give it a rest media/conservatives. (Editor’s note: It was three days ago and a pretty big deal, actually.)

Tickled Pink

To see so many large trees in Riverside being removed, soon it will look like one of those new subdivisions.

Tickled Pink

Elated that Julian Assange is finally free. A victory for real journalism, exposing the corruption of governments and their alphabet agencies, but was way too long in coming to fruition.

Ticked Off

Danielle Smith visited her “home” riding this weekend and was unavailable to local media. She doesn’t actually live here but could have used the media to show the countless things she has done for us. Nothing is endless.

Ticked Off

How is it we can electronically find lost pets, hikers, rental cars and scooters and other things, but stolen cars can’t be found? Over 50 cars stolen per day in Canada and on the rise in southern Alberta. I have a conspiracy theory that might fit. Could it be about money?

Tickled Pink

I love the digs at the ultralight in this forum. Trouble is they, the ultras, have trouble reading and understanding that they are digs.

Ticked Off

UCP didn’t consult with Alberta taxpayers on federal dental care plan before opting out.

Ticked Off

I have submitted many pieces to this column that are never printed. What are the rules? I want to know how to disguise my derogatory comments. (Editor’s note: What would be the fun in giving you a guide book?)

Ticked Off

The railway tracks weren’t removed at the bottom of Dunmore Road with the new paving. Nice smooth road and then a rough bumpy section. (Editor’s note: Sadly, it isn’t up to Medicine Hat. CP Rail owns those tracks.)

Tickled Pink

With the well written letter pointing out the positive merits of going with an Alberta Pension Plan. A little research goes a long way, rather than a knee-jerk reaction.

Tickled Pink

With the municipal works department. They did a quick fix of a potentially dangerous situation then mowed the ditch along Bannon Avenue to improve the walking.

Ticked Off

The well written letter to the editor promoting the APP is not convincing. To me, it’s like betting on life expectancy results, part way through the CPP/APP race. Reminds me of gambling.

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