October 24th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, June 25, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on June 25, 2024.

Ticked Off

To the person making fun of the CFL. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. The athletes in the CFL are very talented. I enjoy watching the games with friends and family. It is a Canadian tradition that unites us.

Ticked Off

That any store would allow dogs inside. I am highly allergic, so I will let people know about not supporting your store. Some people are afraid of animals as well. Imagine coming around a corner and seeing a dog.

Tickled Pink

I’m very impressed with the job Hamm Construction is doing downtown. Keep up the good work.

Ticked Off

That fruit in our grocery stores is the worst quality at the highest prices. Watermelons are disgusting, bananas are constantly over ripe, pears turn brown and are still rock hard inside. I cannot understand why it is so difficult to get decent produce, especially when prices are so high. Return this unsatisfactory food back to where it was purchased or nothing will change.

Ticked Off

To say Poilievre’s ignorance of what is in the NSICOP report is a good thing, is just ridiculous. That is like saying that, while driving, not knowing there is a bridge out in the road ahead. An ignorant opposition leader is not doing his job.

Ticked Off

Conservatives must be delighted to hear that snowpack in the mountains is being contaminated with cancer-causing coal mine contaminants. I mean, this is exactly what you wanted, right? Zero regulations for fossil fuels, and poisoned water. Great.

Ticked Off

How about all you NDP and Liberals move to a province with those leaders and leave us oil and gas people to thrive and roll around in our money and live a great clean life?

Ticked Off

No matter what political party you support, you must make it clear to Danielle Smith the environmental damage to our land, water supply and our health that coal mining is. Scientific studies continue to confirm the negative aspects of coal mining, and I haven’t seen any studies that show a benefit other than money. (Editor’s note: Have you tried rolling around in it?)

Tickled Pink

Alberta has received another credit upgrade, the third in under a year. Because of the confidence in Alberta’s economy, we can now get lower borrowing rates which impacts the interest paid on the public debt. This allows Alberta to use the savings to expand programs or further pay down debt. Tickled pink others see us as a positive place to invest!

Tickled Pink

By the well written letter to the editor regarding the recent CPP issues. This letter lays it all out with facts. People need to read it and then decide how the UCP government should move forward without the threat of an APP.

Tickled Pink

I would be if people would learn how to merge into traffic on two-lane streets. The lane is for you to go into and then move into the flow of traffic.

Tickled Pink

With recent funding earned by Prairie Rose Public Schools. This will help not only the students but the teachers in the coming year.

Ticked Off

At the motorcyclists who insist on driving around in second gear disturbing my right to peace and quiet. Making that racket on purpose should be considered a crime.

Tickled Pink

With the person taking down the ugly posters taped to the gas lamps downtown. Why don’t we have proper, monitored bulletin boards for these notices?

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