October 24th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, June 18, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on June 18, 2024.

Tickled Pink

We recently had the nice couple with the flavoured ice truck come by our shop. Great for morale, very refreshing. Thank you very much.

Ticked Off

That public funds are being considered for carbon capture and storage (CO2 sequestration) as support for relatively easy-to-decarbonize industries like methanol (Methanex), ammonia/urea (CF) and power generation (City of MH). We’re really only changing the colour of the emissions from grey/black to bruise/blue and continuing to have ill informed politicians pander to the fossil fuel companies.

Tickled Pink

Of the gym praised in Riverside, it definitely is a gem. Awesome instructors who will make sure you are getting a great workout every time!

Ticked Off

At people who are ticked off at Harlow residents. I, too, disagree with a four-storey high-rise condo being built there. My goodness, this would block views and sunshine. Get real, why does it need to be four storeys tall? Maybe two-storey would work better.

Ticked Off

Parks department is watering Leinweber Park every day, so much so the trail is flooded. Even the new unmowed areas that are supposed to reduce watering are getting watered. I thought we were preparing for a drought.

Tickled Pink

Thank you, city manager, for proudly flying the inclusive/progress flag at city hall. Your commitment to diversity and equality is appreciated. #Pride

Ticked Off

It is very frustrating for us residents who put effort into maintaining a nice looking yard/property when our neighbours just let the weeds and dandelions overtake everything on 12th Street NW. Do people not care anymore? Some of these homes have so much junk it is making our neighbourhood very trashy.

Tickled Pink

Tip of the cap to the city manager, managing directors and city employees. Keep up the good work!

Ticked Off

That there are no wheelchair-accessible cabs in the entire city, and Special Transit doesn’t run on holiday. There’s almost no way for a wheelchair user to travel on holidays, Sundays, or in the evening.

Ticked Off

At the person who said “Who watches the CFL?” I watch the CFL because it’s Canadian and I’m not an American sports conformist. Just because you don’t like something here in our country, doesn’t mean we all don’t. (Editor’s note: Don’t sweat it. Some people just really enjoy announcing how much cooler they are than everyone else.)

Ticked Off

As an independent voter I was more than willing to vote Liberal Trudeau out of office until I saw that Conservative Poilievre is not interested in qualifying to read the unredacted report concerning MPs’ helping foreign states. Perhaps there is something he knowingly is aware of in the report that he doesn’t want to deal with. Does MP Motz have a comment?

Ticked Off

Who doesn’t watch CFL football and enjoy the entertaining touchdown celebrations? Football is entertainment, right? You must be from Toronto.

Ticked Off

War Room spent how much just to pump out propaganda from UCP? We have situations with health/homeless/opioids/housing, etc. Arrogant leaders, get your head out of your butt.

Tickled Pink

Would like to thank the nurses in the hospital, 4 West. Was in there for a week and they made it bearable. Thank you.

Tickled Pink

At Spectrum this year. Thanks to Bill and his team for a great event! So many activities for the whole family. Looking forward to Canada Day down at Kin Coulee!

Ticked Off

It appears that $15/day daycare is not working well in Alberta because our government wants to reimburse daycares after 40 days. Does that mean after three months they are late by a month, and after a year they are late three months? In any country our children are the most important asset. In Alberta, not so much. We deserve better.

Ticked Off

We love conspiracy theories. Why is TOTP suppressing them? I want you to print them. (Editor’s note: The only way you can know we do and don’t suppress is if you are the author of said TOTP submission. To which we say, get a Facebook account.)

Ticked Off

Why the heck was the rock concert so loud? I live in the Flats and all afternoon it felt like the monotonous loud music was boring a hole into my skull, and after being subjected to this for a couple of hours, I wanted nothing more than to go to that concert, walk up to the lead singer and shove that stupid mic where the sun don’t shine.

Tickled Pink

We have an exciting day plan today. Farmers market, Redcliff Days, city block party at Towne Square, and then eating everything we buy during the day!

Tickled Pink

With the quality paving crew that did patch after waterline work at First Avenue and 12th Street SE. “Seamless.” Smooth.

Ticked Off

Why won’t everyone just sweep a little extra CO2 under their rugs to make it disappear? It might just be the best plan the UCP leadership can come up with.

Ticked Off

Beavers on the river. We can see a beaver house that fisher people use. Some eight young men trashed the house by walking around on it. Beavers rebuilt it, made my wife sad. Our families taught us not to bother animals unless needed for food or clothing. Please, fisher people, leave them alone. Thanks.

Tickled Pink

Dear council, please hold off making any final decisions on the carbon capture project until after the election. We need to make sure we have the right council and administration in place.

Ticked Off

With the CFL and its broadcast provider. Holding viewers/fans hostage by requiring additional channel purchases in order to view a game is just plain wrong. Bye bye to both.

Ticked Off

It is painfully clear that the people arguing about passing legislation for porn sites to require age verification have never been a teenager on the internet. If you think this will stop any curious adolescent from finding what they want to find, then you are straight up delusional. Just another example of out-of-touch Boomers and Gen X in government trying to pander to a stupid voting base with legislation that solves nothing.

Ticked Off

If you work for the city you should really be a taxpayer and not live in Ontario or British Columbia. Come on, HR, we have a lot of very talented people in our community who can fill these rolls.

Tickled Pink

With laughter when I see a bunch of non rural residents wearing a cowboy hat. Calgary is so much more than white cowboy hats. Can you please stop pushing them onto everyone? Makes you look like a hick.

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