December 14th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, April 25, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on April 25, 2024.

Tickled Pink

That finally people are looking at the disfunction of this city’s administration and their bad choices.

Ticked Off

Wow this council clearly has a disdain for the people they serve, it’s shocking to see how they behaved at council. They forget who elected them, time for a new election and reinstatement of our democratically elected mayor. Shocked beyond belief at how they aren’t representing us.

Ticked Off

Can this council ever come to a decision in a reasonable amount of time. No wonder nothing ever gets done. I watch council and they speak on things they have no clue about just to hear themselves speak. Council needs to back off and let the city managers run the organization. It is painful watching this council function. Good grief.

Ticked Off

After years and years we finally got rid of the black fly mess problem and now the city wants us to put rotting food out in bins to be picked up and entice the flies back. Stupidity.

Ticked Off

That council is forcing the mayor to go to judicial review to overturn the sanctions. Save yourselves the embarrassment, along with a lot of taxpayer dollars, and rescind on your own accord.

Tickled Pink

Thanks for the Tickled Pink comment about former mayor Ted Clugston being insightful and the voice of reason. Best laugh I’ve had for a long time. He claims he has no inside information so all the babble was apparently just pure speculation. Don’t forget, he is the one who implemented most of the policies that resulted in high power rates last summer and excessive property tax increases almost every year.

Ticked Off

I often wondered why it seemed the Catholic School Board got a lot more coverage than the Public School Board. Now I know. You can’t report on what you can’t see.

Tickled Pink

If the City of Medicine Hat would step up, as they have for other community amenities, to adequately fund the Veiner Centre. Forty per cent of the population is eligible to use it. I really appreciate using the gym at Strathcona Centre.

Ticked Off

That many organizations depend on donations to keep their doors open. How can people donate when they struggle themselves to live with the cost of everything going up?

Ticked Off

It’s a bit odd that the same person who warns us about “disturbing images” each and every time he reports on Russia/Ukraine war, the genocide in Gaza or the civil unrest in Haiti, seems proud and gives off a very strange sense of exhilaration while talking about walking over the dead bodies at Frank’s Slide.

Ticked Off

What has this mayor done to elicit such cult-like support from some of these citizens? Has she brought massive prosperity to the city, or reduced crime to minuscule levels? Near as I can surmise she has only brought arrogance and a professional victim mentality.

Ticked Off

Council must think we live in Russia. Councillors and your cohorts, you made your bed so lie in it along with city manager. Residents aren’t going away and you certainly can’t tell us not to complain to city hall.

Tickled Pink

Coun. Andy McGrogan says he has no intention of running for mayor. Now I can get a good night’s sleep because the last thing we need is another former police chief in charge of anything.

Tickled Pink

Council you are doing a good job. Thank you for protecting the remote workers, they need to make a living as well.

Ticked Off

It is really unfortunate the city manager has divided our community. We deserve better than this.

Tickled Pink

Mayor Clark, your professionalism and integrity are unmatched. Thank you for continuing to stand up for our city. I am truly so disappointed that council has decided they do not need to do their job or be respectful of you. Please continue your inquiries and advocating for what is in our city’s best interests.

Tickled Pink

It’s said Alberta is the fourth happiest province. Just imagine how happy we would be if we had a decent provincial government.

Ticked Off

Saw Coun. Andy McGrogan interviewed on TV. He spoke of respect, humility, being considerate, safe workplace, kindness as good attributes of elected officials. Where were they in the private meeting of councillors who severely sanctioned Mayor Clark? Give us an answer!

Tickled Pink

Took my wife out to dinner last week. She still looks so good, I wondered how I got her to marry me all those years ago!

Tickled Pink

Amusing how these grown men become domesticated then stop coming out to socialize. Good men in questionable places are needed from time to time to purge the scourge from our community.

Ticked Off

Another one of the premier’s “buddies” is getting a truck full of money to study the COVID outbreak. How she throws our money around is ridiculous. Why doesn’t she just talk to people who lost loved ones to see if it was real or not?

Ticked Off

Someone needs to let our premier know that just because a viewpoint is contrarian doesn’t mean it’s equally valid to widely accepted alternative. Having one doctor who says the response to COVID was “overblown” now lead $2-million review of COVID data seems like a huge waste of money. “Fact check concerns about the vaccine side effects”? You’re better off dumping money down the drain than fighting these ridiculous culture wars.

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