December 11th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, April 23, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on April 23, 2024.

Tickled Pink

That police and bylaw are gonna start ticketing loud vehicles. People rip up and down 12th Street NE with modified exhaust day and night, often waking up my family at 2-3 a.m. Hopefully they catch a few of the people who like to try for a high score on the speed radar sign as well.

Tickled Pink

To read headline, ‘Smith hopes name change urges price drop for electricity.’ Such a simple solution, maybe changing gas to fuel and food to some other cute name will solve those problems as well.

Ticked Off

Call me crazy, but maybe the doctor with a legacy of sexual assault shouldn’t be allowed to be a doctor anymore. Like seriously, the fact that there’s any debate or consideration around this at all is mind boggling.

Ticked Off

Loved Ted Clugston’s latest interview. Very insightful and the voice of reason. Hopefully we’ll welcome you back one day soon, Mr. Mayor.

Ticked Off

That government changes name “the rate of last resort.” Sounds like a holiday, not a bill. At least “Carbon tax incentive rebate,” we know where it is coming from when deposited into our bank accounts.

Ticked Off

This UCP government has lost touch with reality. Changing the term Regulated Rate Option to ‘rate of last resort” is just a political game of smoke and mirrors. How much taxpayer money and time was wasted to come up with this stupid idea?

Ticked Off

Drought conditions and our city council and city manager are too busy biting the hand that feeds them, scrambling to hide their dirty deeds. Abuse of power.

Tickled Pink

While attending the Colin James concert at the Esplanade, we were encouraged to take a look at the art from the children of Medicine Hat. What a wonderful display! If I had more time I would have taken longer to view them all. All of you with a piece of art there should be very proud!

Ticked Off

Great commercial the province spent money on telling us to go to other doctors instead of going to emergency! Just one problem with that, where are these numerous doctors we can go to? I don’t believe our premier sits in emergency with the rest of us!

Ticked Off

That our local long-time MP continues to do nothing for Medicine Hat. Never speaking in parliament or on the news advocating for Medicine Hat or the people of Canada. Putting pamphlets into mailboxes that end up in landfills is just lazy and bad for our environment. Time for a new MP for this riding.

Tickled Pink

If the citizens of this city follow suit and reduce water usage to conserve our precious river basin.

Tickled Pink

Thank you to those who have organized petition in the community to re-instate Mayor Clark to full capacity, Visibility of signing stations is well done.

Ticked Off

That SEAWA is abandoning the care of tree seedlings that have been planted at Connaught pond at Saratoga Park. They have more government funding than before. Contrary to their slogan, they now have “no connection to the watershed.”

Ticked Off

It sure looks like the City of Medicine Hat is not a equal opportunity employer.

Ticked Off

I have no clue why the federal Liberals call it a “budget.” It should be described as, “Here is how we are going to fleece the Canadian taxpayers this year and have the CBC tell us how great it is!”

Ticked Off

If local groups want community support they must have well organized events with competent presenters.

Tickled Pink

For Alberta’s new public cogeneration power plants. Consistent, reliable, clean power, unlike wind and solar.

Ticked Off

I used to watch America’s Funniest Videos, but know I watch Medicine Hat’s funniest councillors and manager.

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