July 26th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, April 4, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on April 4, 2024.

Tickled Pink

How fitting that April Fools Day is the day the convoy guys chose to protest. I hope they enjoy their freedom to disrupt people’s lives and accomplish nothing.

Tickled Pink

Whenever I see a pickup truck with Canadian flags on poles and comments written on the truck and placards that say things about how much they like Trudeau, I think, I wish that guy and his buddies were running Canada.

Ticked Off

That we are being told each item we buy from a grocery store is $1-$2 more cause of carbon tax. Come on, not idiots here. How many articles are sold in each box? Crate with 12 boxes in a box and that box is charged $24 just on CT? Get real politicians/grocers.

Ticked Off

At the city. Their administration needs to go starting from the top down. So much nepotism, removing positions to hire friends. It’s time for an inquiry into their hiring practices and how they award positions. Many don’t have the qualifications for the positions they hold and someone needs to dig into this.

Ticked Off

We need a municipal inquiry into the administration of our city,. Their spending, backroom handshakes and poor management needs to stop. It’s owed to the citizens.

Ticked Off

I am in complete agreement with Alex McCuaig’s letter to the editor. Release the report unredacted, as the way it is now it appears they are hiding something. We saw the exchange so if Coun. Sharps added more to the complaint then citizens have a right to know.

Ticked Off

Thousands of people gathered at the Cypress Centre on Good Friday to worship in a very meaningful manner the crucifixion of our Lord. Did I miss any mention of this significant event in any Medicine Hat news?

Ticked Off

Sad there is so little respect left. Free to disagree, but quit hanging our Canada flag upside down. And, why fly the American flag? How is this even relevant? Believe in American-style politics, move south.

Ticked Off

Not that I like Trump, but his “bloodbath” statement was made in the context of putting tariff’s on vehicles from Mexico. But, of course the media focused in on that one word. At least give the whole quote and context and then let the people make their own judgments.

Tickled Pink

When do you ever see the entire council united on an issue? That in itself speaks volumes, and especially as they are male and female, as that seems to be an issue for some people.

Tickled Pink

Anyone else notice the majority of provinces, territories are not vehemently opposed to the carbon tax? Our UCPs are perpetual whiners who contribute nothing constructive. So, Premier Smith, why not take up the PM’s challenge? It’s easy to criticize those who are actually trying, so show us real leadership by developing some actual solutions or alternatives.

Ticked Off

That council is saying sanctions placed on the mayor were solely based on the Aug. 21 council exchange, but are also eluding to behaviour from closed session, which they can’t discuss. Which is it? So fed up with council and the irreparable damage they are doing to our city’s reputation with this nonsense.

Ticked Off

At the very least the city manger should be put on administrative leave so an investigation can take place regarding her alleged mistreatment of city staff.

Tickled Pink

Still laughing at protesters of federal government’s fuel hike of 3.3 cents per litre, ignoring UCP’s same-day 4-cent per litre increase, while ‘driving’ in their semis, half tons and vans – out to Walsh?

Ticked Off

Most of us don’t know exactly what went on at the council meeting, but anyone with common sense can figure out that the punishment is absurd. In what other place of employment where you have “misbehaved,” would you not be able to talk to your employees/peers without supervision and then have half your salary cut? Something smells fishy.

Ticked Off

What a weak response from council. Council is to have clean hands when making a decision of such magnitude. I guess all the city’s laundry will be made public with legal action.

Ticked Off

Judging from the fancy trucks on ‘axe the tax’ protest lines people are not doing to bad. They just want to pollute and not pay. We should we willing to do our part trying to fight climate change. Doing nothing should not be the option.

Ticked Off

I am sure the News know the real reason that Clark has been sanctioned. Where is your backbone? Investigate and find out. There must be plenty of employees or other people who know the real reasons. Tell us, please. (Editor’s note: Yep. We have all the details on a story that would bring eyes to our newspaper from across the country, but we just decided not to tell you because we like being the only ones who know stuff. Nailed it.)

Ticked Off

In the history of Alberta has there ever been as many attempts to remove Mayors from power? No. Has the power to do so helped? No. The UCP government has done a disservice to municipalities. We didn’t have these powers before because we didn’t need them. We have elections.

Tickled Pink

Would be if city council would all put on their big-person pants and got back to business. Follow the code of ethics and bylaws.

Tickled Pink

If all city staff and councillors would understand there is no ‘I’ in Team.

Ticked Off

At the city councillors who signed the letter supporting their decision but won’t release any details. Hopefully the judicial review exposes this for what it is. They all deserve to be removed in the next election, and they can take the CM with them.

Ticked Off

The current rate for natural gas is $1.90/GJ. The recent increase to the carbon tax adds $4.00/GJ, over double the price of the gas itself. On the advice of a plumber, it was explained that a costly heat pump system would require a natural gas backup due to the possibility of extreme cold in our climate. Explain to me how this punitive carbon tax incentivizes residents in our area to switch to a lower emissions system?

Ticked Off

The trouble with taxes is we will never be rid of them. The government could get rid of the carbon tax but it doesn’t mean they won’t come up with another method of doing the same thing.

Tickled Pink

That there is a petition circulating calling for city council to repeal the resolution imposing sanctions on our mayor.

Ticked Off

At a recent letter to the editor that is more concerned about being polite than absolute disregard for rules and regulations. “… the city council of Medicine Hat showed us that common sense still prevails, that the practice of public behaviour, manners and a polite society still prevails.” I for one, sir, am not for politeness over order and rule following.

Ticked Off

I feel like it needs to be said that the sanctions against the mayor are not an “attack on democracy” as some people are making it out to be. Yes, the mayor is democratically elected, but electing an official does not mean they get to do whatever they want with no recourse. Being able to remove an elected official is just as important as being able to elect them in the first place. Debate all you want if the mayor broke the city’s code of conduct (or if the city manager did) but in my opinion, city employees that do break the code of conduct should be penalized, no matter how high-ranking they are.

Ticked Off

City councillors approved a reorganization of administration (in closed meetings) before a bylaw was approved by council permitting the city manager to do so, and when the mayor questioned the process (in a respectful manner), she was accused of bullying. Where is the transparency and accountability this council promised? Is the mayor the only one who cares about proper procedure? What else has been approved in closed meetings without proper procedure?

Ticked Off

Can’t figure this one out. The NHL is all in on the gambling money they receive because they hope it only affects the fans. But they don’t believe fighters get brain injuries, and could use some of that money to help support them with their disabilities! (Editor’s note: RIP Chris Simon.)

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