December 11th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Feb. 20, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on February 20, 2024.

Ticked Off

With all the concern about water conservation and drought, why is water continuously oozing from the ground above the Brier Park Road? Is it from a leak from the pump station? The city knows about it because it needs to plough the ice that’s formed on the road every day, so what the heck?

Ticked Off

So, how do you know that actors are overpaid in commercials and that the products sold are underwhelming? Sounds like a Liberal supporting Canadian censorship! Bet you don’t print this! (Editor’s note: Funny how you left out the part where we also told them where they could easily see every single Super Bowl commercial that aired.)

Tickled Pink

So pleased that our mayor is not part of the “good ol’ boys club!,” who try to make her life rough.

Tickled Pink

Tickled pink with the Feb 15 Letter to Editor from healthcare providers showing concern for patients and families of transgender and gender-diverse youth. These voices of reason need to be heeded. People who have no experience with these kids should educate themselves or MYOB.

Ticked off

At the Feb 15 Ticked Off “A procedure delayed is not a procedure denied;” it certainly is denied if it can only be effectively given during puberty but only allowed after 16 years of age.

Ticked Off

Can Canada survive another year-plus under the rule of the NDP/Liberal coalition government? It seems that there are new scandals or lawsuits against the government every week and nobody is held accountable.

Tickled Pink

I would be if the Medicine Hat Tigers would put in a bid for the 2026 Memorial Cup. They will definitely have a very competitive team, and it will showcase the city and Co-op Place. Now is the time.

Ticked Off

Letting the province run our pension would be letting the fox into the henhouse. Leave it alone.

Tickled Pink

To see landlords are “struggling to break even.” If you cannot turn a profit scalping housing, then sell your “investment” to someone who will use it as a home.

Ticked Pink

We have so many wonderful local women’s clothing shops in Medicine Hat.

Tickled Pink

So happy to see the article in Thursday’s paper regarding trans healthcare signed by over 40 healthcare professionals. I can’t see how anyone could stand on the opposite side of the vast majority of medical doctors and prominent pediatric organizations and try to argue about this issue. Please consider for a moment that doctors may know more about healthcare than you do.

Tickled Pink

Greenhouses are starting to produce. My tastebuds are already waiting in anticipation for those fresh cukes, tomatoes, peppers, lettuces, etc.

Ticked Pink

If our premier and all other UCP MLAs would donate Canada’s carbon rebate to worthy causes instead of complaining about the tax. Then they could inform us of their charities.

Tickled Pink

Plenty ways we can help conserve water and save money. Stop taps or pipe leaks, take quick showers, use low-flow toilets, run full dishwasher/full washing machines. Don’t leave taps run during shaving/brushing teeth. Sweep/blow off decks/driveways. Water yard/lawn only as needed, or even remove some/all lawn and Xeriscape using native plants. Use a rain barrel, mulch. And dirty vehicles still drive just fine. Simply changing our ‘habits’ would collectively make a huge impact. Being apathetic is not an excuse to tap out our water resource.

Ticked Off

About the person saying our CPP should be ran by the UCP. Please give your head a shake. I need my CPP, not have the UCP destroy it. It has stood the test of time and will continue to do so.

Ticked Off

At “a procedure delayed is not a procedure denied” in last Thursday’s TOTP. Just so we’re clear, if you delay giving puberty blockers to a person until they’ve already gone through puberty, you *are* denying them that treatment. The government has no place coming in between a person and their doctor to prevent them from getting proven and tested medicine. If you think doctor recommended health care for trans people is equivalent to smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol, you need to give your head a shake.

Ticked Off

Our premier has done everything except the one thing she promised when elected. Where are all the doctors she “promised” during the campaign? The lines are getting longer, and she’s been telling the country how she’s a fantastic premier. I guess the pension plan, chatting with celebrities and picking fights with minorities is more important than her promises.

Ticked Off

I would be if the city gives the Medicine Hat Stampede a grant and an interest-free loan for millions. The outcome would be the same as what has happened in Lethbridge.

Tickled Pink

With politics (the people) who stand up against elitist like medical practitioners who think they know best about everything in life. They do not. The medical profession has a long history of mistakes, shock treatment, eugenics and so on. People who sign political letters cannot say keep politics out of child rearing if they engage in politics by writing letters or demonstrating against a government action. Medical employees are great and well respected but are not the only ones who care about people (politics).

Tickled Pink

With the documentary “Your Cinema Needs You” that we saw at the Monarch. Very interesting, and a great job. Looking forward to whatever comes next for the Monarch.

Ticked Off

Navalny is a real freedom fighter who is a hero to the world. The creepy things we have in Canada are just lazy thugs running a scam.

Ticked Off

Laughed at news article “Experts criticize Alberta’s plans for transgender youth”. The experts are not lawyers. The experts are the parents, who are the only ones who should be making choices for their under-age children. The majority has spoken, so let’s move on. (Editor’s note: You do know the UCP’s trans youth policy takes 100% of the choice away from both the youth AND their parents, yeah? Not to mention their doctor. A lot of people coming out in favour of ‘parental rights’ these days who haven’t actually looked at this policy.)

Ticked Off

What a shame we have such terrible and actually dangerous roads to and from the city landfill and trees that were planted to conceal it and left to die. What a waste of taxpayers’ money. Please fix the situation.

Tickled Pink

CPP is the best run pension fund in the world, but maybe we should let Danielle Smith and Justin Wright run an Alberta Pension fund. Hahahahaha. Unbelievable.

Ticked Off

Alberta does not pay into CPP, you do, as an individual. Alberta owns nothing of the CPP. You draw from the CPP, as an individual, regardless of which province or territory you worked when you paid into CPP. Please start having some loose association with facts.

Tickled Pink

The Venn Diagram of “My body my choice, anti-vax, the gummint can’t tell me no thing never” and the people against LGBTQ2S+ people is a circle.

Ticked Off

Even environmentalists agree: the Arctic Circle comic strip is a waste of space. Break the contract already.

Ticked Off

Hopefully the current and impending drought gives the gov’t and irritation districts serious pause about their pie in the sky irrigation expansion plans.

Tickled Pink

That our current council is against a waterfront development as this area is a great place to go for walks in the park as well as connecting River Flats to the downtown area with a roundabout road.

Ticked Off

At the nut who keeps trying to push the APP. Danielle Smith, do not mess with my CPP. It’s well managed, and having her in charge will diminish it. So stop already.

Tickled Pink

Hey Medicine Hat and surrounding areas, I think it’s about time we hosted the Memorial Cup tournament. So many benefits for our community and businesses – restaurants, hotels, shopping centres, – this would help boost our economy. We have the venue, Co-op Place, to hold the tournament. Please, Medicine Hat Tigers organization, make this happen! I know we will get many volunteers to help make it a first-class event.

Tickled Pink

To attend the Tigers game Saturday, such great energy in the building. But sadly, the experience in the log jam of vehicle traffic exiting the grounds at Co-op Place – a crowd of only about 3,600 people – was excruciating. Hopefully a plan can be formulated with the near future in mind when the Tigers will most surely begin to command the attendance the team deserves, a crowd that significantly exceeds that famous old Gas City number of 4,006 fans per game.

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