October 23rd, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Jan. 18, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on January 18, 2024.

Ticked Off

How the heck does the government have my cell phone number? Now they gave it to the power companies to send a message? I bought it. I pay for it. I HAVE to pay extra “911 access fee” and the government gets to use it to broadcast messages? BS.

Ticked Off

I don’t know who Danielle Smith is working for, the separatists in this province or the oil companies. She doesn’t seem to be doing anything that benefits the average person in this province. Why doesn’t she work on leaving a positive legacy instead of the opposite? Nothing she is doing is positive.

Ticked Off

Hockey Canada and Hockey Alberta have a definite vision of how young hockey players should be developed. Everyone gets to play and have fun doing so. Locally, this vision doesn’t materialize, it’s winning that counts. Very sad situation. If there is public funding in these organizations, that needs to be re-evaluated.

Tickled Pink

Alberta called for people to cut their power consumption during this extremely cold weather and almost immediately people did. We do not need to use outdoor lights and keep our thermostats high. Good job!

Ticked Off

At the public school board and how much of their business is done in camera. Compare the agendas of the public board with Prairie Rose and the Catholic Board.

Tickled Pink

With the staff at Southern Alberta Medical Clinic. Also tickled pink with the patient who was giving people butterflies in the waiting room.

Ticked Off

Dressing up all the public schools with academies won’t get my kids back in that system. Better morals and better academics will.

Tickled Pink

With the strong moral focus of the Christian and Catholic schools.

Tickled Pink

A big thank-you to all who work in the deathly cold weather to clear snow.

Ticked Off

That the cost of living is twice the amount of minimum wage, and that even if two full-time minimum wage earners live together they still come up short every month. This type of politics is not sustainable.

Ticked Off

Medicine Hat News is harming local businesses with its Best of the Best, which should be called Worst of the Worst. After an unfortunate experience with a local business which cost me over $300 I will never go to a local business if possible. (Editor’s note: As media we tend to be blamed for a number of people’s problems but this one was new for sure.)

Tickled Pink

Thankfully the people of Medicine Hat did not allow former mayor Clugston to sell off our power plant. We were not in danger of losing city power in these freezing temps like the rest of the province.

Ticked Off

I don’t understand. I’m paying the carbon tax. The weather should be perfect all the time now.

Tickled Pink

You know it’s cold in Medicine Hat when the lawyers have their hands in their own pockets.

Ticked Off

So, solar and wind helped Albertans out when the alerts occurred but what has our premier done but cut renewable solar and wind projects? People have got to start thinking outside of just oil and gas utilization unless you want power outages.

Ticked Off

People all seem to be upset with carbon tax, but no carbon tax then no carbon tax cheques either. If we didn’t have carbon tax, do you actually think prices would go down? I have my doubts, generally prices don’t have a tendency to go down, unless advertising a sale.

Tickled Pink

That King & Knowlton Orthodontics Sponsors library cards so residents can get free library cards.

Ticked Off

We have received our carbon tax rebate of $318.45. Those who have received the refund but object to the tax are hypocritical and should return it.

Tickled Pink

To the fire and gas emergency crews who responded so quickly to a gas smell and frozen gas meter after hours. Also a shout-out to the response at the emergency phone answering end. Picked up on second ring. We are comforted by this safety net.

Ticked Off

I have never seen Trudeau answer a question with anything relevant to the question. So I believe he can take the blame for all the problems in Canada. What a radical.

Ticked Off

In the year 1800 there were 1 billion humans on earth. They travelled by horse and sailing ships and grew their own food mostly. Nothing was really mass produced. Today there are 8 billion people and 1.5 billion cars and everything we consume requires oil-guzzling transportation. It is naive to think humans are not contributing to climate change. Can we do anything about it? Probably not. I think we are doomed.

Ticked Off

Private enterprise runs out of Tylenol due to no fault of their own. All opposition to the government demands they step into private enterprise and do something because it must be the government’s fault! Government miraculously finds a source but not the same quality. No one is hurt but government is very bad again.

Tickled Pink

Thank you to Linnsie Clark for the job well done. For her honesty and hard work.

Tickled Pink

Notley finally stepping down is a beautiful thing. She was a grifter and laughable as a premier. There is more to being a premier than pronouns and pandering to minority groups, a la Justin Trudeau.

Ticked Off

Boy what a left wing paper no wonder people are not getting this paper that’s why people I know cancelled this paper.

Ticked Off

That Medicine Hat News defends Trudeau “the man isn’t responsible for literally every problem Alberta has” while allowing complaints about our premier to go unchecked. Careful, your bias is showing. (Editor’s note: We are not remotely interested in defending Justin Trudeau. What we are interested in is living in reality. If someone thinks Trudeau is why Alberta had a power issue last weekend, then they’re not interested in solving the problem, just pointing a finger. And employees of the News need electricity also.)

Tickled Pink

Medicine Hat is a beautiful city and we do not need to promote it to industries that may want to locate here. We should be proud to help it stay small and desirable. Why do we want to improve on perfection?

Ticked Off

I cannot believe security went down in section H at the Tigers game and told these people they couldn’t make any more noise with their little sirens and cowbells. We are trying to bring life back to the Co-op Place like we had in the old Arena and you keep telling us we can’t make noise. Give us a break. Please respond to this, I want some answers.

Tickled Pink

Thrilled to see Prairie Rose doing trades starting Grade 10. I wished schools years ago had such initiative. It’s about time.

Ticked Off

To add to that story those people that were told to be quiet and have not been back for a game since.

Ticked Off

How are media is so corrupt what you think we are blind. People need to think for themselves not listen to the garbage the main steam is saying.

Tickled Pink

At the occasional editor’s comments included in this column. The editor seems fairly reasonable, level headed and often gives me a chuckle.

Tickled Pink

Kudos to Edmonton Mayor for declaring homelessness an emergency, while deputy mayor expresses defeatist attitude that does nothing to improve the lot of the homeless. Power to change comes from a forward looking mindset, not from thinking that dwells on the past before road allowances!

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