October 23rd, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Jan. 16, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on January 16, 2024.

Ticked Off

At Tigers owners. They have the perfect situation to bid on the Memorial Cup – phenomenal players, ideal arena, good fan base, but they are too cheap to do it. All the money they got from the sold-out crowds when Bedard was here could go toward the cost of hosting, not to mention the bonus to the city for hosting it like the Jehovah’s Witnesses convention. Come on!

Ticked Off

That we have to wait two more years to get rid of our ineffective mayor.

Tickled Pink

A big shout out to Concept Plumbing for coming on short notice during the holiday break last week and doing such a great job of fixing our plumbing issue. Great service and great customer service. We would definitely recommend them again.

Tickled Pink

That the Medicine Hat News had 2023’s global annual heat record on the front page of the paper. Far too many in this little corner of the province seem to think uninformed Facebook comments hold the same weight as peer-reviewed scientific papers in regards to global warming. Despite the oil and gas industry’s attempts to paint this as a two-sided issue, the fact of the matter is human caused global warming is well established by the vast majority of climate scientists, as described in the article.

Ticked Off

It’s too bad volunteer organizations are always looking for new volunteers. If the organization would treat current and past volunteers with respect and listen to their concerns, people would gladly help. Leaders in these organizations must also learn and listen, and not always follow factless rumours.

Tickled Pink

That we finally have snow. I am praying we get more and am hoping others do too, otherwise it is going to be such a dry year.

Ticked Off

This is what incompetence looks like: Not only did Smith pay $80 million for knock-off diluted and useless children’s Tylenol, and only receive one tenth of what she paid for, but now we learn it’s actually dangerous for kids.

Would be Tickled…

It would be nice if the city were to reopen the old Arena for the homeless. They could provide food and shelter.

Tickled Pink

Climate catastrophists often absurdly equate a month or year being “the hottest on record” – which refers to the fewer than 200 years we have detailed temperature records – with being “the hottest ever.” Even though Earth was 25°F warmer for millions of years! (Editor’s note: In fairness, most of the hottest years in that recorded history have occurred very recently, and if citing present-day climate and weather is absurd, what do you call citing a time when humans didn’t exist and beetles were the size of tractors?)

Tickled Pink

I agree 110% with the editor’s comments about volunteers stepping up. We know this is a great community for volunteers, always has been. I for one will step up as well for the Memorial Cup.

Ticked Off

To anyone who owns or rents a place, I know it’s not fun shovelling in this cold, but it’s gotta be done.

Tickled Pink

Fitness place in Riverside is fantastic! Excellent instructors and challenging fitness classes. Cardio kickboxing, metcon and muscle max are the best I have taken.

Ticked Off

It is bad enough there are climate change deniers when the facts are there, but Danielle Smith is one of them. She has done very little to try to mitigate the situation in this province. She has actually delayed renewable energy projects and cost the province millions in lost jobs and revenue without coming up with alternate solutions except to continue to use fossil fuels. Makes sense to most Albertans.

Ticked Off

I recently moved to Medicine Hat from Ontario. Judging from the contributors to this column, I’m starting to think I relocated somewhere filled with the most miserable people on Earth. (Editor’s note: There are definitely better things to judge your new home by than a generally silly and always anonymous newspaper section.)

Ticked Off

Watching a couple of people walking a dog in this -28C, They are well covered up but that poor dog, no coat or booties on its feet.

Ticked Off

I was upset with the school buses at MHHS. I was on Seventh Street and they pulled out from the school making me pull into the oncoming lane. Don’t they look? Can I send the cleaning bill to clean my underwear and pants?

Ticked Off

People don’t drive in this weather with their low beams on, which also activate the taillights. With steam and snow, it is for safety sake that they are activated.

Tickled Pink

If I ever need a hotdog with sauerkraut and fried onions, I just make it myself. Life isn’t that difficult.

Ticked Off

Agree with the recent Tickled comments regarding local TV news broadcast ads providing some local content. My Ticked beef is that local photos submitted (typically shown daily on the news broadcasts) can’t be fully appreciated when frequently camouflaged by the overwhelming size of the TV screen’s shared, but dominating sponsor’s ad.

Tickled Pink

At the terrific community turnout for the 125th anniversary of the Medicine Hat Police Service. Our police are always there for us, it was great to see the community there for them on such an important night.

Tickled Pink

With the great service and meal we had at the Boston Pizza on Strachan Road. We thank them for letting us make a reservation and for not charging an extra gratuity for a large group of people. It was amazing, and each person who celebrated a birthday (4) were given a free dessert. Thanks again for a great job. Will definitely go again.

Tickled Pink

I also don’t like to play pickleball against people that always spin the ball. The worst people to play against are spinners and people that lob all the time. A great dinking game is a lot more fun and skilled. (Editor’s note: Had to do a bit of googling to make sure this was appropriate for a family newspaper.)

Tickled Pink

To have found the Healing Rainbow, which is offering such amazing programs of holistic healing and spiritual wellness for our community. Thank you for sharing your light with us.

Ticked Off

Some people think calling someone “woke” is an insult. It isn’t. Look it up. People who think it is are backward thinkers. Their thinking is in arrear and should be modernized.

Ticked Off

That people don’t drive responsibly and speed and weave through traffic. If two vehicles left the MH Mall going to Crescent Heights, and one went as fast as they could and the other stuck to the speed limit and rules of the road, how much time would the speeder gain? Hardly anything. Don’t drive like a jerk.

Ticked Off

Rolling power outages? Really. What’s going to happen when all we have is windmills and solar panels? Trudeau pull your head out and have a look around. (Editor’s note: With all due respect, the man isn’t responsible for literally every problem Alberta has. On one hand, we have people trying to oust city council over power prices, and now, apparently, Trudeau created a power shortage here. Meanwhile, provincial power prices increased tenfold over every other jurisdiction last year and Alberta was the only province facing a shortage this weekend, borrowing power from our neighbours who also have Trudeau as their prime minister. At some point here we really have to point our anger in the right direction.)

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