July 26th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Dec. 12, 2023

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on December 12, 2023.

Tickled Pink

The person complaining about people leaving their Christmas lights on all night, There are many people who enjoy the Christmas Lights. Part of the night, some of the night, all of the night. Quit being a complainer. If you don’t like this time of year that’s fine. Don’t spread your negativity on everyone else.

Tickled Pink

If the Maser family would take Bruce Penton’s advice and submit a bid to host the 2026 Memorial Cup here in Medicine Hat.

Tickled Pink

With Coun. McGrogan’s motion on transparency. Does that mean he’s going to share his past wages as police chief, his pension and the last employee survey he tried to hide?

Ticked Off

At Medicine Hat drivers who arrive at great speed at stop signs and drive one or two metres though it. Fast speed scares the hell out of me as it seems they are running the stop. That would be a big T-bone accident. Stop on the line. If you need to see, move forward slowly. Thanks.

Ticked Off

The UCP government has made Alberta a joke in the rest of Canada and the world.

Tickled Pink

To see preschoolers spend time with seniors. But at the time of RSV and flu season being upon us, this may not be such a great idea. It would, though, be a good idea for masking up. It doesn’t take much for these bugs to run rampant.

Ticked Off

At Dannielle Smith. She deserves more criticism than she gets. Why does she think she has to defend and be a spokesperson for the oil and gas industry? The mostly huge corporations that dominate the industry can take care of themselves, and if they were properly taxed, maybe we could afford to put needed money into our health care and education.

Tickled Pink

Alberta was given a ‘Fossil of the Day’ award by activists at the COP28 global climate summit. Just think what the premier could do now with that special recognition! This may be satire.

Ticked Off

We already know the government of Alberta cannot do math very well. They continue to assert that Alberta would be entitled to over 50% of CPP funds, even though that cannot possibly be true. How could they run a better pension fund? Or would it also be smoke and mirrors?

Tickled Pink

A big thank-you to the lady who picks up litter on Carrie Drive. Your efforts do not go unnoticed. So nice to see this part of our city so clean and respectable due to your daily efforts.

Ticked Off

That the conservative mantra is the NDP just spent, spent, spent. It is true that in the second year of Notley’s leadership the government did spend the most ever, however second place goes to the UCP this year. The reason the NDP spent more was previous conservative policies and the fact oil prices fell. We are not better off under UCP leadership.

Ticked Off

That our premier can call for “co-operative federalism” while attacking the federal environment minister as an “eco-extremist.” Are insults her best strategy for promoting co-operation?

Ticked Off

The UCP is responsible for the highest rent, highest food prices, highest energy prices Alberta has ever had. Why are they still the governing party?

Tickled Pink

Thank you to our local credit union, the ConnectFirst Credit Union, for sponsoring the Olde Tyme Christmas Fair. We enjoyed the hot dog, hot chocolate, s’mores and the sense of community. Although, it was pretty funny to encounter someone under her red umbrella. An umbrella in December for the rain. How Alberta is that?!

Tickled Pink

Does it seem that Danielle Smith and her government are always at odds with federal government?

Tickled Pink

I love the blue and silver decorations. So pretty. So classy. And all inclusive. People who don’t celebrate Christmas can enjoy the calming beauty of the lights too while individuals with other preferences can dress their own homes any way they like.

Ticked Off

With all this recent snow and rain. How in the world am I supposed to walk across the South Saskatchewan river if theres water in it?

Tickled Pink

Shout out to the MH News and James Tubb for always giving such great coverage for our local sports teams. Especially ringette, we appreciate it.

Ticked Off

Calendar Club not in Medicine Hat this year. Where can I obtain pocket size calendar like they had?

Ticked Pink

If that woman in Edmonton who claims to speak on behalf of all Albertans would stop trying to fight with Ottawa and try a collaborative approach. Her “tough talk” is divisive nonsense.

Ticked Off

Just when you thought our premier could not think up a much more idiotic idea, we now have her looking to line her pockets through “legal” bribery by changing the donor amount to give to a political member by “private groups or persons (fossil fuel companies). A “legal ” way to buy favour. I guess if you want to get rich, be a political leader with your hand out.

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