October 23rd, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Oct. 24, 2023

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on October 24, 2023.

Ticked Off

Scotiabank laying off 3% of its global workforce but will remain a proud sponsor of the NHL.

Tickled Pink

It will be very interesting to see how many votes Nicole Frey gets when she runs for mayor. You are running for mayor in the next election, aren’t you? It’s such an easy job.

Ticked Off

And yet another accident at intersection of Ross Glen Drive, East Glen Drive, Rossdale Road. One of many over the years. This one involved a school bus with kids on board. Have made complaints to the city in the past, but seems to fall on deaf ears. A hidden intersection. Some serious collisions over the years. Hello??

Ticked Off

This provincial government needs to wake up and smell the coffee. Their motto seems to be: “Say one thing, Do something else, Say oops because we misspoke.” The best quip I’ve read is that “they couldn’t organize a two-car parade.” Oh, how true that is.

Tickled Pink

Why recycle paper, glass, batteries, aluminum cans and so on? Because it’s a great source of raw materials and it reduces pollution. The same can be true for solar cells, but can you recycle combusted coal, oil, or gasoline?

Ticked Off

Ref the proposed Alberta Pension Plan. Why are Smith and the UCP eager to fix something that ain’t broke? It was never “Alberta’s” money. It has been and is, your money. There’s only one reason Smith and the UCP want to get their hands on your money, and that is to get their hands on your money.

Tickled Pink

With those who are generous with their time or money to help those with food insecurity. Social media hate and recalls are not the solution. I think we all know, or should clearly know, that people are struggling all across Canada with poverty. It seems wildly inappropriate and childish to blame a city council for problems our entire country are facing. But again, Medicine Hat has a council that sincerely cares for its citizens, and businesses and citizens who are willing to help. So let’s work together.

Tickled Pink

That the algae in Reesor Lake is finally going away, likely due to the weather, and the cattle are rounded up, likely due to the same reason.

Tickled Pink

It’s so cute how some people are now taking credit for the council town halls thinking they’re the ones who started them. Seriously, you can’t make this up. Town halls have been going on for over a year. Pay attention.

Ticked Off

OK, News, enough is enough. Political ads are NOT front page news. If you wish to be taken seriously as an outlet for information, stop with this blatant disregard to advertising and go back to providing actual, true sources of news. You are pandering to the lowest common denominator and insulting your subscribers by again insulting us, your readers with these biased political views. (Editor’s note: The News sells ads the same way any media outlet does. It is the government’s decision to buy those specific pages to share its views. Decisions like these are outside the editorial department’s discretion, but this department does appreciate the role ad revenue plays in anything we publish. We do apologize if it’s bothersome, but it is not an editorial decision.)

Ticked Off

If the federal government would be placing two full-page ads, not once but twice, in your newspaper; there would be outcry, backlash and undoubted consequences, actions taken for this misuse of news print. How obscene that UCP propaganda is allowed? What a farce and waste of our public’s money.

Ticked Off

Premier Smith can’t waste money fast enough. Full page ads (at least $7.5 million for the total campaign) against federal plans for net zero on our electrical grids by 2035. She has not listened to the Feds as they say there can be some adjustments.

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