December 12th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Aug. 1

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on August 1, 2023.

Tickled Pink

Thank god for Willis Carrier, the inventor of the air conditioner, and for air conditioners!

Ticked Off

The City of Medicine Hat should explain why we have such high prices for a city-owned utility. Explain why we can’t give the taxpayers the best rate. Export however much you want but the taxpayers should not be paying middle of the road. It should be the cheapest! People are struggling.

Tickled Pink

Thank you for the advance signage in regards to construction etc., it’s appreciated!

Ticked Off

That friendships obviously do not mean that much anymore. I should have known better, and will not be that stupid ever again.

Tickled Pink

I’ve been under a lot of stress lately. I realized today it’s because I’m back to wearing a bra daily. That was a real upside (haha) to COVID – staying home and not wearing a bra! Off it comes.

Tickled Pink

We should add a Whine Festival to the annual calendar. And sorry, I can spell.

Ticked Off

Ticked because I just returned from one of my favourite annual Alberta destinations. The motel offered full room service pre-pandemic, but now offers far less (typically, no room service)! Yet, my room cost hasn’t changed! I am OK with not changing towels, making my bed, vacuuming, or even replenishing necessities like toilet paper, daily, but please consider also reducing my motel room rates accordingly!

Tickled Pink

Thank you to all who give rides, take people shopping, to doctor appointments. For those who don’t drive or take taxis, family or bus. I hope you realize how fortunate you are, pay forward this kindness.

Ticked Off

Residential areas are becoming bombarded with RVs in front yards. That’s fine but if its parked as a lawn ornament for years and doesn’t move, give me a break!

Tickled Pink

I am pleased the Medicine Hat Exhibition & Stampede includes the Visual Arts Show and Sale, and the Better Living Display. Wonderful opportunities for locals to show their talents and skills.

Ticked Off

Is Medicine Hat trying out for Communities in Bloom weeds contest? Just drive down Gershaw Drive what a disgrace!

Tickled Pink

Tickled pink that the city is no longer spraying the boulevards and green spaces with herbicide. These chemicals are known to cause cancer. Better to have a few weeds around and be healthy, than weed free and in the hospital on a respirator.

Ticked Off

That once-quiet campgrounds are now no longer peaceful. Instead one dog starts barking and all the others join in and don’t stop until their owners wake up and decide to put on their listening ears.

Tickled Pink

Unquestionably the upcoming hockey season should be rewarding for the Tigers and exciting for the fans. The Tigers should be one of the top teams. But, will the same screamer be the game host, and will the music be earsplitting, the same-old boring part of the game?

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