December 13th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, May 18

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on May 18, 2023.

Ticked Off

Ticked off the city wont let my neighbour cut down a twisted, ugly boxelder tree that is infesting the neighbourhood with maple bugs. They are everywhere making a mess inside and outside of our houses.

Tickled Pink

Medicine Hat Public Library is a fantastic facility. I borrow books all the time. It is one of Medicine Hat’s treasures.

Ticked Off

Ticked off at some of these managers and supervisors who do nothing all day except regurgitate their observations.

Ticked Off

Medicine Hat Transit should change from “MHT Go” to “MHT Wait for it”, and “MHT On Demand” to “MHT When We Feel like Getting Around To It”.

Ticked Off

Sad that election campaigning is nothing but character assassinations. And worse, that people lap it up. We’re regressing as a species.

Ticked Off

Ticked off with all the extra loud vehicles roaring around with the windows open to get the cool breeze, it is very annoying. I thought there was going to be a crackdown on the noise.

Ticked Off

People can only be helped if they want treatment. Education is the key. They have to learn at a young age that drugs are dangerous.

Ticked Off

At realignment of Fifth Avenue and Sixth Street SE. Moved it downhill into blind corner. Removed perfectly good sidewalk and instead of a short straight line made a long curved one. The result is everyone walking across a dirt path where once there was concrete.

Ticked Off

It doesn’t really matter how many election promises each provincial party makes during their campaigns. Once elected they don’t keep them. There is always some reason. The promises are just to get elected.

Ticked Off

So the government wants to legislate forced recovery; does this include all drugs? Alcohol, nicotine, prescription dependencies?

Ticked Off

If the city really wants to attract new business they need to make commercial land available in the south instead of only in the north or BSBP. Some businesses are fine there but others will want to be in the south or they simply won’t come.

Ticked Off

More and more EVs through government subsidies. This is actually a huge transfer of wealth from the middle class and lower class to the upper class society because they are the only ones who can afford to make the change.

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