October 7th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, May 4

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on May 4, 2023.

Ticked Off

When will the City of Medicine Hat become one electoral district with a member representing all the citizens? Redistribution is needed.

Ticked Off

City council voted to give $1.5 million to the Curling Club so now every recreation club in town has access to millions of free money from city taxpayers. Editor’s note: Technically it’s a no-interest loan, not free money from city taxpayers.

Ticked Off

Trash talking your family makes you look ungrateful. Making mistakes over and over and expecting a different outcome is crazy, don’t point the finger, you own it for poor judgment. Now that you know better look forward and do it right.

Tickled Pink

The city has taken in immigrant homeless families into local hotels that are empty. The Root Cellar has a purpose-built community kitchen where these families can be supported with food security donated by local residents.

Tickled Pink

Library here is awesome, I borrow a ton of ebooks, magazines etc. Kids love going for books. Really appreciate the free library cards for everyone.

Ticked Off

Lab bookings are a horrendously long wait. With those of us who require fasting blood tests it is a month wait for a.m. times, walk-in is at least an hour wait. People who already have fasted for 12 hrs do not or cannot wait an additional hour for bloodwork. This system is broken.

Ticked Off

At local radiology clinic, too. Their MRI is ancient and second hand, and yet they charge top dollar. Better to pay travel expenses and go somewhere else with modern equipment and get images with decent resolution.

Ticked Off

At a local surgeon who has no bedside manners, apathy or empathy for patients and the nursing staff who helps the patient with daily dressings changes etc. You got into this line of work, show at least a little emotion that you care about the patient you’re working on.

Tickled Pink

Funny that a lot of the people complaining about long wait times at clinics are the same people flocking to the UCP because they want lower taxes. Newsflash people, AHS isn’t funded by magical unicorn dust.

Ticked Off

If you recently moved to Medicine Hat I would definitely stop feeding deer by hand. You may think that cute deer is tame but that’s a wild animal you’re standing in front of. You’re asking for a world of hurt. In the words of Trailer park Ricky: Atodaso.

Tickled Pink

So tickled pink that Drew Barnes is not running for MLA again. Hurray!

Ticked Off

What happened to the less noisy vehicles promised? There are still idiots thinking that a loud motor is something special when it only looks like a little kid showing off, very juvenile. A motor that purrs sounds rich.

Ticked Off

Amazing how many drivers do U-turns in the middle of the street. You’d think it was legal… NOT!

Ticked Off

Looks like I will be voting early as I have to drive to another city for a doctor’s appointment May 29. A simple appointment that will require an unpaid day off and a lot of driving. Medicine Hat is really in need of doctors.

Ticked Off

At the property tax increase. Hatters should be asked what civic services they support and what could be done better by other groups. Is the Root Cellar necessary, or could this work be better done by churches?

Ticked Off

If the Medicine Hat Public Library so important to citizens why do not more adults have free library cards? What percentage of citizens over the age of 18 have a library card? Taxpayers have a right to know as they support the library.

Ticked Off

Canadians are supposedly complaining about the light pollution of Starlink satellites!? What is next, banning the moon?

Ticked Off

With property tax increase. Stop looking to add more and start looking at what you can reduce. One less manager. One less office report. One less meeting. Less government. Less spending.

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