By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on January 26, 2023.
Ticked Off I’m ticked off at the band-aid solution that the UCP government has tossed at us, regarding poverty – $600 paltry dollars in $100 increments is nothing. What they need to do is put caps on rent, insurance and utilities. Then people can budget and live with dignity again. Tossing a few bucks here and there is just another way of buying votes. They’re not getting mine. Tickled Pink I’d be tickled pink if advertisements for alcohol consumption and big-name gambling casinos would go the way of the dodo bird (become extinct) as did ads for cigarettes. With the state of mental health, addictions and even the economy, there certainly doesn’t need to be any more encouragement and temptations to fall down that rabbit hole. Ticked Off Flying in or out of Medicine Hat has worse odds than gambling with a blindfold on, watch as businesses start to close their doors and move somewhere that has reliable air transportation. When is our city council going to look into solutions before it’s too late? Ticked Off The people who do not use self checkouts are not lazy, they are called customers. They are not called staff and expect the store to hire enough cashiers so there isn’t long wait times for the impatient people. Ticked Off Where is our infusion of new doctors? Currently going to walk-in or emergency isn’t the answer. The system is fractured. Ticked Off Every farmer, homeowner and small business owner knows that you can’t spend more money than you bring in or you will eventually go bankrupt. The only group that seems to ignore this fundamental law of economics are politicians. (Editor’s note: Good, then, that governments spending money is not the same as farmers, homeowners and small business owners spending it.) Ticked Off Strike votes to be held in February for 120,000 public servants. Will we notice a lack of production if it happens? Ticked Off Just when you thought city council has hit peak absurdity, they clog up deliberations with more anti-smoking bylaws. Here’s an idea, streamline existing bylaws to allow more industries to easily set up shop and put people to work! Ticked Off Leading by example, like common sense, seems to not apply for some. Do as I say, not as I do, hmm. 19