February 8th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Dec. 20

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on December 20, 2022.

Tickled Pink

I’m tickled pink at all the lights a local manufacturer used to decorate the giant evergreen on their property! I wonder how many strings of lights they had to use?

Ticked Off

I guess the only place a person really can say how they feel is shamefully at home… or you get slammed for ridiculous claims that are ago old, all for money! Will some ever move forward?

Ticked Off

People are still whining about us smokers? How about all the alcoholics out there drinking and driving, missing days of work because of a hangover or making the lives of their family difficult? Funny how all bad habits are an annoyance but alcoholism is applauded and accepted.

Ticked Off

At the type of music they play at Tigers games, the volume is way too high, as well. When I look around the majority of fans are seniors so maybe they should mix it up a bit.

Ticked Off

Well fellow Albertans, me thinks that we have jumped from the frying pan into the fire. If Ms. Danielle Smith thinks she speaks for all Albertans, she is very wrong, nor has she earned that right. When election day arrives she might have her eyes opened. We are not going to feed her huge ego.

Tickled Pink

If it’s a problem having a neighbour nicely shovel your walkway… try living beside someone who doesn’t go 1″ over his sidewalk. (Editor’s note: It cannot be stressed highly enough that the person who was ‘ticked’ about this was joking, and they were seemingly very thankful of their neighbour’s effort.)

Ticked Off

Our new premier ha a unique way of keeping her name in front of the media… by apologizing every day for the ridiculous statements she made the day before. How embarrassing for our province.

Tickled Pink

I am so grateful to the gentlemen who helped me Dec. 8. I drove over a boulevard which I thought was an exit from a parking lot. A gentleman came to my rescue when he saw what had happened.

My vehicle was hung up so I couldn’t move it forward or backward. He attempted to push me out without success. Two young gentlemen came along and the three of them attempted. I needed to be towed out. A burgundy truck came to our rescue. He hooked me up to his truck and I was out immediately. They didn’t want to accept anything for helping me. I can’t thank these gentlemen enough. I am truly grateful. What an act of kindness!

Tickled Pink

With whomever placed the handmade message in my mailbox saying how much they liked our Christmas lights.Thank you, it made my day (night).

Ticked Off

I’m tired of the protesters on 13th Avenue on Saturdays. Upside down Canadian flags infuriate me. Honestly, I’m not even sure why they are still protesting.

Ticked Off

Really ticked off the Medicine Hat Curling club has closed its doors. It is poor management, and concerns were raised in the past and now we are left out in the cold with “no ice” … Private clubs should plan for these events and now the curling club will probably want the city to bail them out. I say “NO,” and I am an avid curler. Merry Christmas.

Tickled Pink

In my experience Parkview Drive to Ranchlands has the fastest speeders. What’s up with that?

Ticked Off

Utilities showing record profits locally and provincially and yet the price is skyrocketing. Both local and provincial governments stating they understand how very difficult it is for the low income earners to manage and yet the price continues to rise. What kind of crap are we being fed?

Tickled Pink

That I save on utilities and carbon tax because I live in a small house that is well insulated.

Tickled Pink

I am so thankful for the snow angels on 19a Street in NECH … you truly are a blessing!

Ticked Off

We enjoy the Tigers games but some ladies, your perfume is overbearing. Tone it down please.

Tickled Pink

I have wonderful neighbours and wonderful neighbourhood kids. I love how nearly each and every day after school they stop at my door for “Huggies” and tell me about their day at school.

Tickled Pink

With all the yellow buses and their drivers who deliver students to school and back home again in a safe and timely manner. A big thank-you. Merry Christmas, and safe driving for 2023.

Ticked Off

Tighten your belts further, economics hits everyone at different levels. Big business is all about profit. Shortages… BS!

Ticked Off

At all those lazy people out there who don’t clean the snow off their vehicles, shovel their sidewalks, put the shopping carts in the designated areas… and the list goes on and on.

Tickled Pink

With the two men who helped push our car out on N. Railway on Saturday morning. We’d still be there stuck without your help. Truly appreciate your kindness.

Ticked Off

This global warming, rebranded climate change, is making us freeze our buttocks off! (Editor’s note: Climate change is not disproven because it gets cold out. Climate and weather are not the same thing. It’s really not difficult to grasp unless you’re just trying to convince yourself of something that is no longer up for debate.)

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