February 13th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Dec. 8

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on December 8, 2022.

Tickled Pink

I’m a senior who needed help walking across the street and a woman stopped to help. She couldn’t offer a ride because I had my walker but she said I wasn’t dressed for the cold weather and offered me a pair of gloves. I didn’t get her name but she’s an absolute angel.

Ticked Off

…at the immaturity of junior hockey fans who constantly complain about referees. Through Dec. 5, the Tigers have won 20 of the last 99 games. I suppose if the referees were “outstanding” instead of “terrible,” the group might have won what, 30 games? Yes, that would be better. Give your heads a shake!

Ticked Off

Was watching a steak marinade video on YouTube, when they served me up a U.S.-style attack ad by Rachel Notley and the NDP. Thank you for showing your true colours again Ms. Notley, and reminding me why I will never vote for you.

Tickled Pink

Would be if someone could tell me how we will manage in the future. Power grid alerts, barely into December. As we move into electric vehicles, etc., I am curious as to what plans are in place.

Ticked Off

Do you know why all those soccer or footballers have a problem with their diving on the playing field? Well, they didn’t practise hard enough. It is mandatory for each player to practise dives and rolling around like they have been shot. I can’t believe that this is the most popular sport in the world.

Ticked Off

Danielle Smith is so busy pandering to the extremists in her party, she’s forgotten the rest of us, the majority of Albertans. We won’t forget though, during the election in May.

Ticked Off

It bothers me that the News will not publish many of the critical and funny comments about Danielle Smith in ticked and tickled. She is the most divisive premier in this country and deserves all of the criticisms that can be said about her. She is not about a united Canada. We do not want to be like Quebec. We are a wealthy province that wants a strong and successful country. (Editor’s note: Either you’re speaking about your own ‘funny’ submissions or we need to change our email password.)

Tickled Pink

With the Medicine Hat ringette teams that excelled in the recent Ed Horvath Ringette Tournament. It was great to watch the girls in all the age groups playing the sport they love. So much talent. Disappointed in whomever submits the results, that not one word was mentioned in the News on Tuesday that the U10 teams were even there and that medals were awarded to the U10 teams as well. The U10 girls are just learning this sport and played their legs off in pursuit of a win and deserve to be mentioned as well.

Ticked Off

Ticked off at city council for pretending to do something about the dog problem on city trails, but nothing gets done.

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