February 16th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Oct. 13

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on October 13, 2022.

Tickled Pink

Excellent Thanksgiving dinner provided to unfortunate on Friday by a local support centre. Groups that genuinely help the unfortunate deserve the support of the community.

Ticked Off

I am sick and tired of our MLAs and new premier preaching about how businesses were affected by the COVID mandates. What good are businesses to us if all their employees get sick with COVID? Please put health over wealth!

Ticked Off

Smith, such a waste, she plans to spend Albertans’ money on another carbon tax challenge, money for a provincial police force (this will cost Albertans millions), sovereignty, plus you add Kenney’s war room expense. Albertans need good health care, wages and someone willing to reduce these ridiculous utility bills.

Tickled Pink

Educate yourself on political candidates and who is working for Albertans.

Ticked Off

So China is building more coal-fired power plants, which are a major cause of global warming. That’s their choice (incidentally their Yangtze river almost dried up this summer because of climate change). Sounds like a good example of what not to do. We can’t use them as an excuse to not clean up our own act. Would be like saying, “My neighbour’s backyard is a mess, so why should I clean up mine?”

Tickled Pink

If they would fix the railway crossing at the bottom of the hill on Dunmore Road. It is so rough it shakes my little car to bits.

Ticked Off

Smith doesn’t even have a seat in the political arena… beware her motives are selfish & reckless and not for Albertans!

Tickled Pink

Great news, the city had a windfall on electricity. They might be able to funnel a fraction of that to knocking down the weeds all over town. This place looks like a hell hole!

Tickled Pink

To see so many adults riding bicycles in the city. Great for the mind, body and the environment.

Ticked Off

Rachel Notley is the Nancy Pelosi of Alberta. Rachel, however, didn’t have enough time in office to grift enough riches to live like a queen for the rest of her life though. Expect pandering of the highest degree this time around.

Ticked Off

At your mentality of putting your dog poo in someone else’s garbage because it beats carrying it around. Wow. It’s your dog, not mine. It’s your laziness that makes other dog owners look bad. I would be embarrassed to admit this as a dog owner.

Ticked Off

How ridiculous can people be. It’s a garbage pail for garbage! Is your garbage so special that it will be contaminated by other garbage? I don’t own a dog but I don’t have any issue with dog walkers depositing their little bags in my black bin. As to storing your bin on your property – in areas with back alleys the bins are stored in the alley against the property owner’s back fence.

Tickled Pink

Regarding Dr. Bharwani’s article in Tuesday’s News, I had restless leg syndrome for years and have found that a small bar of soap under your bottom sheet has worked wonders for me. No more RLS!

Ticked Off

Can all you socialists who don’t want our premier to stand up to Ottawa so we can get our resources to market, please tell how our province obtained revenue and has got to where it is today? I don’t think it was the unions that did it and they won’t be the ones to make it better.

Tickled Pink

To see there is truth in the old question and answer, “Is it true all fairy tales begin with once upon a time? No. Some begin with, “If elected, I promise.”

Tickled Pink

Absolutely tickled pink that anonymous contributors to this section in the News are upset the editor is responding on occasion. Rather than hide behind your bold and often petulant online submissions, perhaps sign your name on a Letter to the Editor instead?

Ticked Off

I see the party of hate and division, aka the NDP, is out in full force in this section again. When Notley got into power, everyone was saying give her a chance, the sky isn’t falling. But will they extend that courtesy to Smith? Not a chance.

Ticked Off

Frey did nothing for this area, I expect nothing from Smith either. She made a ton of promises to get the vote and already she has to back peddle. At least she won’t be in power long. What a waste for Medicine Hat.

Ticked Off

To all the people who think it is OK to go into a business and yell at the people working, when they are calmly trying to help you. I hope you make your mothers proud.

Ticked Off

Not sure why anyone would be ticked off about a doggie poop bag in the garbage bin. Beats it being a drop-and-go in the alley like someone does in my area. I happily allow anyone to use my garbage bin for dog poop bags as they are picking it up!

Ticked Off

That my girlfriend doesn’t realize her guy is only using her. Five years and not even engaged. Absolutely scared of commitment.

Ticked Off

That our own utilities are so high and the additional service charges are ridiculously high.

Ticked Off

Was it $2 billion or $3 billion dollars that Notley wanted to waste on rail cars? That would have made as much sense as Trudeau buying a pipeline, and the taxpayers would have received the short end of the stick yet again. (Editor’s note: The rail cars themselves cost $350 million, while the total four-year agreement signed in 2019 totalled $3.7 billon. Notley’s government projected a $2.2 billion profit for Alberta, though we will never know for sure since Kenney’s government took a $2.1-billion loss to cancel it. In fairness, each party blames the other, and the real culprit is up for debate.)

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