February 10th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Sept. 27

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on September 27, 2022.

Ticked Off

Wondering when the thought process will come when government will get wants and needs in place. Maybe we could live within our means and instead of the logic of just overspending and increasing taxes. Maybe anyone who thinks taxes should be increased for any sector could donate from their pocket first.

Ticked Off

Still using COVID to attract attention, Dr. Schnee? Column Sept. 21 begins and ends with COVID but entire article is unrelated about “fake news,” “bad news,” “past news” (is there any other kind?)

Ticked Off

Until we hear from the Queen’s family that our PM singing with the piano player was not right, not sure what the big deal is besides a bunch of haters sprouting off just to hear themselves squawk. Didn’t realize we were to stop living after a death.

Ticked Off

To those defending our Prime Minister for his actions while attending the Queen’s funeral. Yes everyone does deserve downtime but when he is attending such an important event representing Canada he should have used greater discretion. His actions were a disgrace.

Ticked Off

At the NIMBY lady who wrote a whole dissertation on why the homeless need to be stashed away from her suburban community. Maybe she could take it up with the ex-mayor who trumpeted that homelessness was over, instead of complaining in the paper.

Ticked Off

Kaycee Madu is the latest flip-flop. He must be betting that Danielle Smith, the least skillful contender, will win the UCP leadership. He should be rewarded. He would have been a perfect fit in the Wildrose.

Ticked Off

I’m really looking forward to the day Medicine Hat receives the exciting news that a large new job-creating industry is going to locate here. Then my dream comes to an abrupt end when I realize that our two MLAs and one MP have done absolutely nothing to improve our economic forecast while they collect sizeable salaries along with extremely generous benefits all on our dime. Things don’t look promising. Be careful who you vote for.

Tickled Pink

When the local radio stations stop with all the COVID crap, enough already, people are getting on with their lives. (Editor’s note: In defence of the radio stations, last week alone another 24 Albertans got on with their deaths. There might be few listeners still interested in the numbers.)

Ticked Off

How many packed lunches? Someone is telling Big Fat numbers and it’s not true. Now why would you do that? Your board of direction needs to pull you into line before you tell anymore stories.

Ticked Off

Why hasn’t the Medicine Hat News reported on Trudeau’s drunken misplaced narcissism on the eve of the Queen’s funeral by singing Bohemian Rhapsody in a pub? He’s embarrassed Canada once again on the international stage. How long must we tolerate him? (Bet you won’t print this!) (Editor’s note: Bet we will! Also, since you asked: 1) We didn’t think it was THIS big as deal. 2) No evidence he was drunk. 3) It was two days before the funeral. 4) No one cares outside Canada. And, 5) In all likelihood, 2025.)

Tickled Pink

To know how does Poilievre earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in international relations. How does this make him qualified to run as a leader of a party that is so divided? It’s like adding sour milk to your coffee.

Tickled Pink

To those bemoaning their loss of freedoms – at least you are alive to complain!

Ticked Off

Before the UPC government promotes moving to Alberta, maybe a warning should be in place. No family doctors. Alberta’s a great place to live as long as you don’t get sick.

Tickled Pink

I absolutely LOVE the “Editor’s notes” in the Ticked Off & Tickled Pink. Keep it up!! (Editor’s note: Love you back!)

Ticked Off

AHS needs to stop telling parents to check with their doctor regarding children’s medicine shortage. We don’t have a family doctor. It’s difficult to figure out how much adult medications to give a small child but that’s what we’re left with.

Ticked Off

Why do dog owners have to throw their dog poop baggies in other people’s garbage bins? It is their dog, their dog poop, they are within walking distance of their own house. Just throw it in your own garbage bin. If they don’t like it their own bin, imagine how non dog owners feel.

Ticked Off

At the drivers who fail to yield to pedestrians in the marked crosswalk on 13th Avenue SE. As a driver, please pay attention to the traffic beside you. If they have stopped at a crosswalk there must be a reason, you must also stop, check the crosswalk then proceed when it is safe to do so.

Ticked Off

The hill with two lanes on 20th Street NE off Parkview Drive needs to have arrows painted on roadway. The people who use the turning lane to go straight are a hazard.

Tickled Pink

Please put signs or paint arrows on roadway for Dunmore Road test project. Not like some haphazard bike lanes that where squeezed into vehicle lanes!

Ticked Off

How about put some ownership on society? Not everything is someone else’s fault for their demise. Certainly not on Government payroll indefinitely, which in the end is on taxpayers’ shoulders. Some sure have played ignorance for far too long.

Ticked Off

I go to the hairdresser and ask for one inch cut off the front, just the ends off my long hair I’d been growing out. She cuts off three inches! Then she takes my long hair in front of the ears and the back underneath and totally shreds them an inch from my head! What kind of person does that? Thanks for wrecking my once-in-a-lifetime pictures.

Ticked Off

Another paid day off for the federal employees. My nephew down East is a federal employee and slept until noon the day of the Queen’s funeral. Complete abuse and insult to the rest of the Canadians who had to work to earn wages. But remember Justin Trudeau understands what Canadians are going through.

Tickled Pink

In this day and age of take, take, take… thank you to MHPS for your dedication and service protecting Medicine Hat.

Tickled Pink

Medicine Hat city council is making things happen. No moss growing under your feet.

Tickled Pink

There always will be “nay sayers” no matter what the circumstance. Imagine if that energy were directed positively.

Ticked Off

Have a plebiscite to determine if Canadian’s want to end relationship with Monarchy.

Ticked Off

With all Trudeau’s handouts, how about living wage increase to pensioners?

Ticked Off

Individual giving finger after they got honked at for cutting in too close. Obviously you’ve never been in an accident.

Ticked Off

Tigers home opener, 2,600 fans wow very sad, ticket prices, location, or just not interested?

Tickled Pink

The Tigers’ first game of the season was fantastic, already better than all of last season!

Tickled Pink

To hear the federal government announced June 29 all existing border restrictions to enter Canada will remain in place until at least Sept. 30. Today, U.S.A. still has its restrictions to show vaccine records before flying anywhere. So was Canada so wrong to protect our health care until date predicted?

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