December 14th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, June 21

By James Tubb on June 21, 2022.

Ticked Off

At all these 20-something kids leaving these taxpayer funded scooters laying around all over.

Ticked Off

I read the Medicine Hat News for our city’s news. Otherwise it is like reading a CBC newspaper.

Ticked Off

That Trudeau is now travelling to Rwanda Germany and Madrid on taxpayer’s money. How is he travelling? I hope he is surfing or going by kayak because he is so concerned about OUR use of fossil fuels! Furthermore, does he really want to add to his embarrassing laughing-stock reputation by travelling? Hasn’t he done enough damage to Canada?

Ticked Off

To those concerned about accidents on e-scooter, take a look around of all the people on skateboards, bikes, ebikes and other scooters without a helmet on.

Ticked Off

Green bins are only for yard waste. How about the city expands it to other compostable items?

Ticked Off

To all those parents who drop off their young ones at a north-end centre. Those young ones fight, scream, play in the hallways, pound on doors, open doors of ongoing classes, are disrespectful to staff, ride skateboards and scooters inside. Ages of these little darlings are 8 and up. What happened to being respectful?

Ticked Off

High-level government officials continue to come and go out of an active war zone in Ukraine. Don’t seem concerned about their safety. Weirdest war ever!

Ticked Off

There is one political party yelling about inflation. Interesting, it’s the same party that has two leadership elections this year. So where is the party concern with entry fees for leadership federally/provincially this year? Same party that was busy with photo ops/selfies in February. Wonder if the 16% increase in trade at Canada’s blockade borders included the extra wages/fuel/detour hours to the open borders? By the silence of our MP guessing NOT.

Tickled Pink

Glad I have some extra money on hand. I’ve been buying firearms and ammo like it’s going out of style!

Tickled Pink

Tickled Pink at the intelligent and enduring leadership of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. For all you scholars with your F… Trudeau signs, your embarrassing small get togethers in front of Drew Barnes’ office and your desecration of the Canadian flag, ask yourself this.  Who is having the last laugh? Alberta is 14% of the Canadian population, Medicine Hat 1% of Alberta. Get a grip.

Ticked Off

My children who are too young to be vaccinated caught COVID at school the week masks were no longer required and have been coughing for nearly four months now. Multiple doctor visits and medications, what’s a parent to do?

Ticked Off

City of Medicine Hat, could you send or post on your website home owners do not own parking in front of homes? Some areas seem to think they do! Ridiculous…

Ticked Off

If someone from the parks department, or sitting in chamber on those monthly meetings can explain the following: The government of Canada handed out money hand over fist during the pandemic. Fast forward. A lucrative contract handed out for trail development along Carry Drive. The green space left is an oasis of weeds etc. Hmm.

Tickled Pink

I own more firearms than I need, but not as many as I want. Good thing I have room for 36 in my safe!

Ticked Off

Redcliff residents who showed their ignorance during Redcliff Days have me ticked off. This is regarding those residents who hooked up to their trailers, RV, or boat, and then parked them on the street in front of their residence as to block patrons and visitors to park. People parking in front of your precious domain for a few hours surely doesn’t inconvenience anyone. You do not own the town street and anyone should be allowed to park there, unless otherwise stated by the Town council for special events.

Ticked Off

Residents who do not keep the back lane behind their house free of debris should be fined. Long dry weeds are a fire hazard as many of the fences are wood or vinyl.

Ticked Off

How is it when a condom breaks it’s an oopsie/mistake? But get COVID after 2-3 shots and the vaccine is a hoax? Both are to protect all participants but no 100% guarantee. So don’t play, in short, if not ready for parenthood. Protect our love ones and get your jab.

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