December 11th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, June 9

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on June 9, 2022.

Tickled Pink

That the city took advantage of allowing the Bird e-scooters to run a trial program in the city. They are a lot of fun, affordable and involved no taxpayer money whatsoever!

Tickled Pink

Using our MP’s theory that new gun laws won’t work because criminals won’t abide by them is seriously flawed logic. Going one step further, why have any laws at all? Criminals seem to break them. Time to get your day job back!

Tickled Pink

Tickled pink to see the news of a Ukrainian family here in the Hat. Now there’s more Ukrainian descendants here with beautiful large homes, empty nesters with full basements, large gardens, pools even. Would be nice to see them open their doors, hearts and show some compassion.

Ticked Off

The events centre location is disappointing. Viewing the large crowds at the provincial track and field finals left me wondering why, for example, the events centre wasn’t located across the road and adjacent to the rotary track, and the nearby soccer, baseball, football and BMX facilities, plus the Leisure Centre. One can only imagine the missed potential infrastructure benefits, including, for example, washrooms and other conveniences for the hundreds of participants and visitors to this recreational hub!

Ticked Off

I believe there was a misprint in the city’s announcement that the road closure for Allowance Avenue intersections was going to be five weeks but it probably meant to say five months.

Ticked Off

I want to know why on the Mayor’s Minute, the mayor is never on there, it’s always a councillor.

Ticked Off

That Strachan Road is getting a face lift, although not required. Travelled that road on a daily basis, seemed fine. Many other roads in need. Carry Drive from Scholten Hill onwards with the potholes, which will only worsen as seasons progress. I suppose priorities are what they are.

Ticked Off

I had to turn to U.S. networks to watch the Platinum Jubilee live. It appears Canadian networks were not interested in live coverage. Shame on them!

Ticked Off

New roof is nice at Athletic Park if you could watch the ball game from the concession area. Not so good for half the seats under it.

Ticked Off

Ticked off at the nepotism being shown in many of the non-profits and public sectors. You should be ashamed of yourselves and how you treat people. Ethical practices and transparency from the ivory towers? Clearly not.

Ticked Off

That the government is once again creating fear – this time around monkeypox. What should be demanding their attention is the mental health and addiction crisis. Guaranteed more people will die from mental health and addiction issues than monkeypox in the next year!

Tickled Pink

I am very pleased The War Amps sent key tags and a letter about their key tag program to me. I wasn’t going to do it, but then I thought about the cost of replacing car keys these days – $100-200 each! So it seems worth it. Plus, they serve a very good cause.

Tickled Pink

Thank you to the vendors and booth operators at Spectrum for being there – despite the weather. We went on Friday and then again on Saturday. The second day, we were sure it would rain, which it did. It was fun to eat cotton candy under our two-person umbrella. It was entertaining watching the children react to the wrestling “competition.” We learned more about various social service groups. The music was great. All in all, time well spent.

Ticked Off

To all young people in Medicine Hat! If you want to work go to northern Alberta as that is where the jobs are.

Tickled Pink

Many thanks to the kind lady who bought the deaf senior lunch at KFC on Tuesday. Much appreciated!

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