December 12th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, April 14

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on April 14, 2022.

Tickled Pink

Thank you to all volunteers in any capacity, without you some events wouldn’t happen!

Ticked Off

Ticked off at the deplorable condition of the flags flying at the Saamis Tepee. What a disgrace. Who’s ever responsible for checking the condition of these flags isn’t doing their job.

Ticked Off

So the Pope apologized, all good but what’s it going to cost him?

Ticked Off

Ticked Off with the people who registered for the painting night on March 24 and did not come and did not cancel. So rude and inconsiderate. You know who you are.

Ticked Off

That people expect estimates, pricing and selling done without paying a commission for the time people put in for them. Nobody’s time should be free unless stated beforehand. Friends included.

Ticked Off

If the Freedom Convoy was about the evil COVID-19 mandates and not about raising money and trying to overthrow our government, then why is $8 million of the money donated unaccounted for? I thought that money was to be used to reimburse some of the protesters. Not to line the pockets of those who started it.

Tickled Pink

That the questions and comments made by several of the new city council members make it clear that they have no idea how taxation works.

Ticked Off

One can you tell that media has been bought and paid for by the government when they print garbage like the majority of people are happy with the Liberal/NDP agreement. Brainwashing by ultra left.

Tickled Pink

I’m impressed with the due diligence Mayor Clark and councillors are using in running Medicine Hat!

Ticked Off

If you are vaxxed and had COVID, you are welcomed on an airplane. If you are unvaxxed but don’t have COVID, you can’t fly internally or externally out of the country. And people wonder why there are still protests?

Ticked Off

Ticked off that the city posted updates about the power outage on Facebook but not on their own website. If anything Facebook should be secondary to the city’s website. Not everyone uses Facebook as I don’t like my private information taken and used without my knowledge.

Ticked Off

Here is a point to ponder for smart readers. The U.S. is calling to all that will listen that Putin and company will have to stand for war crimes in the current conflict. Talk about hypocrisy as the U.S./Israel is under investigation for suspected war crimes in Palestine and Afghanistan and refuses to acknowledge the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.

Tickled Pink

To help MyCityCare with their request for meat, start harvesting the deer that have invaded the city. I’d be really tickled if you start on the Hill, many herds of these destructive creatures. But, good eating. Yum.

Ticked Off

The Tigers have a great coaching staff! Willie spoke the truth because the ultimate decision is made by the players when they lace up the skates – the dismal season is everyone’s responsibility, some need to look in the mirror. Truly, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink! All the coaching in the world is only good if it falls on open ears and receptive hearts. Go Tigers Go! Can’t wait for next year.

Tickled Pink

City sends us all an assessment of our homes and guess what, they have all increased in value. Translation, you will be paying more in property taxes yet again. How nice.

Ticked Off

I am ticked off with myself for having let my guard down. After years of being hyper careful with masks, distancing and hand washing, I slacked off recently and now I have COVID. Darn it!

Tickled Pink

Thanks to the awesome couple who gifted my family two adult tickets to the Tigers game last Tuesday against the Blades. I appreciated your generosity.

Ticked Off

Ticked off with the large grey garbage bins in duplex and fourplex backyards that are always left with lids open. Wind swirls in and picks up garbage and scatters it all over the neighbourhood. They should be fined or the garbage not emptied if the lids are not on.

Tickled Pink

To those that complain about littering, try picking things up as you go for a walk not that hard. I do some. People picking up garbage, thank you.

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