May 3rd, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Feb. 17

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on February 17, 2022.

Ticked Off

Truckers are not the spine. Truckers play an important role in the economy just like every other hard working Canadian. Condoning bullies, thugs and terrorists is not the Canadian way. Kindness and respect is.

Ticked Off

Convoy actions blatantly disregard the rights and freedoms of the vast majority of Canadians, including truckers. This was simply propaganda meant to gain public support and sympathy. Don’t be fooled.

Tickled Pink

That Scott Schmidt’s truths in his editorial scare some people so much. What should concern them is the depths to which our desperate conservative politicians will stoop to in order to keep from tipping off their imaginary pedestals by pandering to the selfish lawbreaking rabble.

Tickled Pink

With the trucker-led protests. They aren’t looking for payments, concessions, money. They just want their freedom – for them and you!

Tickled Pink

Tickled pink to be vaccinated, am working and can travel. How simple; took two jabs, plus, they’re free. Impossible to feel sorry for any whiners.

Ticked Off

Quick poll taken – I’m free, family is free, neighbours are free, coworkers are free… all good! A group protesting in Ottawa have taken away that city’s, their citizens’ and our freedom!

Ticked Off

Keep looking at the Canadian flag, and believe me there have been many to see lately, but I cannot see any black on it. So why are the Olympic athletes mainly in black? No other country is ashamed of their colours! Why Canada?

Tickled Pink

Bravo Shelly Ewing! Bravo Les Pearson! (Feb. 9 Comments). It is as if you both could read my mind! Good job.

Ticked Off

American far-right freedom fighters have ruined their country and a few Canadians are choosing to follow them. This is so un-Canadian. It is sickening to know that a citizen of Medicine Hat chose to start this whole thing.

Ticked Off

I am sorry to hear that someone missed being with a dying mom due to the protests but what about the hundreds or maybe thousands of people that did not get to be with their dying parents or family members due to COVID rules?

Ticked Off

Ticks me off that my neighbour sits around all night long doing nothing and then at 1 a.m. decides to have a party and play loud music in his garage. Have you got no common sense or respect for your neighbours?

Tickled Pink

Tickled pink that I haven’t had a cold or the flu for more than two years! Go figure, did the masks and distancing have anything to do with better health generally? Duh!

Ticked Off

The warm weather brings melting snow, dry roads and also with it the ridiculously loud vehicles. Hopefully the new council will finally do something about it.

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2 years ago

I see we have a lot of brainwashed, Trudeau sympathizers in Medicine Hat now. Stop reading the lies in the News and watching the legacy media spewing their leftist propaganda. The truth is out there and CBC and CTV will not show it to you.