By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on December 9, 2021.
Tickled Pink It’s a Veiner Centre day! Art at 9 a.m., lunch there with friends, Christmas photos at 2 p.m. and bridge at 6 p.m.! The people working there are so friendly and helpful. Tickled Pink I’m tickled pink that the new mayor and council isn’t just blindly approving everything that comes before them like previous council seemingly did. Ticked Off Is there enough people tired of the gov fear mongering and gaslighting yet. I never thought I would live in a society where so many can be this easily manipulated like today’s society. Ticked Off That the gouging goes on and on. Who is supposed to be looking out for the average consumer, barely scraping by? Politicians? Tickled Pink I’m tickled pink that I hit all the green lights driving across town the other day, but I’m ticked off I had to drive 60 to get green. Tickled Pink There is a difference between inclusion and righteous indignation. Ticked Off Two years into the pandemic and people still don’t understand the purpose of masks, social distancing and vaccines. Nothing is 100% effective. It’s about minimizing the chance of infection and mitigating the consequences of infection. If you’re sick of the pandemic mandates and eligible to be vaccinated but aren’t, then look in the mirror and complain to yourself. 15