By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on November 25, 2021.
Ticked Off The way this city is ruining our streets with new designs, it should change its name from the Gas City to the Cement City. Ticked Off By the time the end of November arrives, Medicine Hat’s two provincial MLAs, Drew Barnes and Michaela Frey (Glasgo) collectively will have raked in approximately $600,000 of our tax money. Are you better off for it? I’m not. I want a refund. Ticked Off Political advocates need to be put in their place, are you really speaking truth for the group? No more lawsuits, one time deal. As a Canadian I’m not shouldering any more, our forefathers have already! Ticked Off Those aren’t mandarins in the boxes. They are hybrids. Where are the real mandarins? Ticked Off Ticked off at a family member who is complaining about the hospital care their unvaccinated spouse is receiving after their life was saved from almost dying from COVID by an incredible medical team. Tickled Pink I love this quote from historian Walter Reed, “If there is one thing the world should take away from the Glasgow COP26 summit, it’s that the most dangerous greenhouse-gas emissions come from the front ends of politicians, not the back ends of cows.” Ticked Off If you want to wear a mask the rest of your life go ahead, leave me out of that. Wonder if some of you wear a mask when you go to bed. Tickled Pink I am tickled pink and frankly grateful to live in a country where it is grossly illegal to walk city streets with an assault rifle, in turn shooting those who confront you and being acquitted on the grounds of self defence. Ticked Off Ticked off at the people all over social media asking the local news outlets to stop reporting local COVID cases, and referring to those of us that want the daily updates as “sniveling.” If they do not care about that information, then don’t stop and read it! But it is not fair for them to request the news outlets to stop reporting the news. Ticked Off Hey Jason! Yo Jason! Hello Jason? This past weekend Premier Jason Kenney said “Alberta is Back.” Really? It doesn’t feel that way here in SE Alberta. All of the recent large petrochemical projects that have been announced and linked to huge Government of Alberta subsidies have been in central and northern Alberta. Once again SE Alberta is left out in the cold. Wash, rinse, repeat, wash, rinse, repeat. Ticked Off I think when you live in a flood plane you know you live in a flood plane. Saying the province is at fault is yet again the old finger pointing that some are very good at! Unfortunately living in isolated areas has drawbacks. Ticked Off Affordable daycare, good grief. Problem solving within families I guess doesn’t exist. There was a time when people had enough brains and didn’t have to cry to the government. How about think of the farmers and ranchers, they put the food on your table! Ticked Off That a local establishment does not check their guests for proof of vaccination, they have an ideal situation for transmissions! Ticked Off At bands still detouring to Lethbridge or Calgary. What happened to if you build it, they will come? Co-op Place should always have something on instead of sitting empty when there isn’t a game. 29
I just cannot for the life of me understand the horrible comments, not only here, but everywhere, about wearing a mask! Then, to belittle and ridicule those of us that are following the mandate and doing the right thing, the safe thing, by wearing one is truly showing the very worst in people. My goodness, if that is the only thing you have to worry or complain about in your life, you really are very lucky. You should instead be more concerned about what this pandemic has brought out in you as a person and know that all your comments will be around forever as your legacy, regarding simply having to wear a mask.