By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on July 15, 2021.
Tickled Pink My wife spent her last days at Carmel Hospice. It’s a beautiful place and the staff are super nice and efficient. Thank you very much. Ticked Off O’Toole is a pro at changing the subject when a direct question doesn’t suit his narrative. That’s peak dishonest politician. Tickled Pink I’m amazed at the ability of one individual that wrote in lately that could accurately determine the speed of a cyclist on the walking/cycling path. They should get a job with the city police. Just think of the money the city could save on photo radar. Tickled Pink Thanks to the Tickled Pink post for the best laugh I have had in a long time by stating if we got rid of the media most of our problems would be solved. If you truly think not knowing what is going on in the world would solve our problems then stop listening or watching the news, but sticking your head in the sand doesn’t solve anything including problems. And bringing a Fox channel to Canada would only make things worse. Ticked Off If citizens want to save what little bit is left of the Medicine Hat Advantage please don’t re-elect the mayor and most of council who simply vote for whatever he wants. Mr. Kris Samraj seems to be the only one left willing to stand up for citizens, and at times is the only vote against the rest of council. Tickled Pink The beautiful flowers in front of the hotel on 13th Avenue make me happy every time I drive by. Ticked Off We need to get behind our nurses. Look at the job they have done since the start of COVID. What have our politicians done besides looking out for themselves? They got a raise in April. What did we get? But the big question is who would you like to look after you if you get sick, a nurse or a politician? Ask your politicians what they have done for you! They will break our country! Ticked Off I’m sure if any of our Alberta politicians worked on the frontlines fighting COVID-19 they wouldn’t be so quick to cut the wages of our hard working medical professionals. They would probably give themselves a raise. How about cutting their wages by 10%? Ticked Off That Trudeau still will not allow us to travel to the United States except by plane. Open the border! Tickled Pink That there is so much to do in Medicine Hat! I have friends coming to visit and I made a list of local attractions and activities. In two minutes I came up with over 20 things to do. Ticked Off That businesses can’t find workers, because the freeloaders don’t have to, they love their taxpayer funded free CERB money. Ticked Off I was laid off over a year ago due to the pandemic, and have since applied to every job ad I’m even remotely able to be hired for, several dozen, and so far haven’t even got a phone call, but sure, it’s all because of government money (that I’m not getting). Ticked Off Hated my job, loved getting CERB cheques. Tickled Pink With the new Waterfront development! I’m puzzled that someone would consider the beautiful river area pig’s ear? Ticked Off These people who think any time we are angry with our politicians that we should separate and join the U.S.A. tick me off. If you love the U.S. more than your own country then please leave and join them. I’d rather live miserably hoping for change than live in the most narcissistic and war hungry nation of all time. Tickled Pink If the person who noticed a yard filled with a noxious weed would call bylaw and report it. 33