December 13th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, June 24

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on June 24, 2021.

Ticked Off

I watch different sportscasts and when the national anthem is sung, I notice fewer and fewer people singing. Is it because they are lazy or because they don’t know the words?

Ticked Off

I live in Medicine Hat seniors housing for low-income residents and I don’t think it’s fair that we have to be responsible for maintenance for our toilets and sinks.

Tickled Pink

Thank you to all first responders’ quick arrival time at a recent accident in Crestwood. Including Willie’s Towing!

Ticked Off

That the powers that be in our fine city saw fit to increase the speed limit by the park between Rundle Avenue and Rice Court. For most of the past year or so now, many residents in the area have certainly been enjoying the evolution of Robinson Drive International Raceway.

Tickled Pink

That every time the government increases the tax on gasoline, prices of everything increases.

Ticked Off

I don’t want to celebrate Canada Day either, but not for all the woke reasons. Canada is an embarrassment to the world with its perpetual needless lockdowns, government hypocrisy, ruling party corruption, jailing pastors and opposition leaders, and a racist, weak prime minister.

Ticked Off

Is the city going to cut the weeds down in Saamis 7 or do we have to call Bylaw?? It’s a mosquito breeding ground.

Tickled Pink

Got my second COVID shot today. WOOHOO! Thank you!

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