December 13th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Nov. 17

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on November 17, 2020.

Ticked Off

Maybe I should get a ticket for not texting and driving, because I must be the only one not doing it. Everywhere you drive cars drift into your lane, at red lights they are so busy on the phone they don’t move. People who swerve across the highway look drunk, but are texting. Somehow the police can’t see this.

Ticked Off

To the “biker” complaining about dogs. I have a serious issue with most of you also. Most bikes don’t have bells and go excessively fast on the trails. A bike coming behind you at 20 to 30 kms an hour and then does not ring a bell is completely irresponsible. Why don’t you police yourselves? If you see a biker without a bell or speeding, stop them and give them a piece of your mind.

Tickled Pink

I’m very pleased with how my COVID mask is keeping my face warm. So much easier now to just leave it on when I go indoors and out.

Tickled Pink

I’m tickled pink that my neighbour on Cobb Road cleaned my front yard as my snow removal company was falling way behind and couldn’t clean the snow away. Bless you for your kindness.

Tickled Pink

I would be tickled pink if Alberta followed B.C. and Saskatchewan’s lead and called a provincial election. They claim they won a mandate to attack health care, education, and the disabled. If the UCP believe they won a majority government on job loses and increased insurance premiums, call an election.

Ticked Off

At the person criticizing the man’s hair dye. That was hurtful, cowardly and petty. Look in the mirror. Are you perfect? Maybe he brings flowers to brighten someone’s day. An apology is in order.

Ticked Off

Who is in charge of this province? Stop the sick and dying from COVID. Our premier needs to shut down everything (at least partially and for a few weeks at least) so that Albertans can at least enjoy Christmas. He needs to talk to Manitoba and stop ignoring COVID.

Tickled Pink

With Jason Kenney finally… a premier who will stand up to the public sector unions with a plan for the economy other than raising taxes or more government debt.

Ticked Off

Hats off to the city with the superb snow removal in November. You’d think we have never seen snow before. Will I be seeing a refund on my utilities for lack of dumpster pickup on the schedule date due to snow?

Tickled Pink

Thank you to the Snow Angels on Carry Place for digging everyone out during and after the snowstorm. It was much appreciated.

Ticked Off

There needs to be some type of requirement put in place in regards to furniture being brought into apartments. If it is second hand it should have to pass a bug inspection. Some apartments in this city have dumpsters that are full of mattresses and building walls full of bed bugs. Some owners should be putting their inconvenienced tenants up in a hotel and fumigate the entire building.

Tickled Pink

I’m tickled pink at the wonderful care I received at 5 east in the Medicine Hat hospital. All the nurses and doctors and support staff work hard with a constant smile even during the stresses of a pandemic. Kudos to for all those in emergency as well.

Ticked Off

Our province is short several hundred people to do contact tracings. Too cheap to hire what they need. Meanwhile, if told to isolate it takes days to get a call back from AHS. People are missing work waiting.

Tickled Pink

Wonderful to see an older couple at 11 a.m. on Remembrance Day placing poppies in an empty cemetery on the grave stones of young airmen killed in training exercises during WW2. Lest we forget.

Tickled Pink

Gentle reminder that if you’re not Indigenous, you are either an immigrant or descended from immigrants. The 1.2 million people that the Federal Government is going to make permanent residents in the next three years have as much right to live in Canada as you do.

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