February 7th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Nov. 10

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on November 10, 2020.

Tickled Pink

I’m tickled pink with the family that bought my dinner at a buffet restaurant on Halloween night. I’m 93 and have lived here for 20 years, and have never had such a kindness before. All the people in Medicine Hat should know we live in the best city with the best people in the whole world.

Tickled Pink

My husband had an emergency on the weekend. The EMT and ER staff were kind and professional. It’s time for the UCP to respect our health care workers.

Ticked Off

If safety cross walks were painted on the street corners of Alexandra Middle School or do we just wait until a student is run over?

Ticked Off

Another murderer sentenced to a single digit term. With time served and good behaviour, out in a couple years. How does this happen? I feel for the victim’s family.

Tickled Pink

I want to say thank you to our ex- neighbour on McCaig Crescent for doing my sidewalk with his snow blower. I was getting very tired and you really saved my day.

Ticked Off

COVID cases spiking all over Canada, flu shots recently available, could there be some type of testing anomaly between the two? Things that make you go hmmmmm.

Ticked Off

Is there not enough equipment to clear snow in our city? We always compare ourselves to other larger centres and we are charged/taxed accordingly. However, we do not see the use of our money in services that are provided. Medicine Hat has lost its ‘advantage’. What does this say to our citizens when we cannot drive on the main roads without concern of getting stuck? Many of us have lost a great deal financially with COVID and now we cannot be assured we can get to work. Why are the plows not out earlier to provide our citizens the ease of travelling to job? Good thing, the schools were shut.

Ticked Off

The same democrats that spewed hatred for four years straight now expect unity. Seems they only care coming together when they are in power, otherwise forget it.

Ticked Off

I can hardly wait to see how Kenney’s government will blame the NDP for their $1B dollar, war room deficit.

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