February 6th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink March 10, 2020

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on March 10, 2020.

Ticked Off

At the City of Medicine Hat and the backward bureaucratic ways they do things here. I have only seen it here in this city only. If I had won that $70 million lottery jackpot, I would leave right away and spend one dime of it here in this hillbilly-run berg.

Ticked Off

Very disappointed in the investigative efforts of our Medicine Hat Police Service. They will never get to the true facts unless the named suspect is actually confronted about his obvious lies.

Ticked Off

That owners of a big black dog in NE Crescent Heights let their dog out early in the morning on a weekday – at 5 a.m. – and let it bark repeatedly without bringing them back inside.

Ticked Off

NDP: Budget deficits, improving health care and education. UCP: Budget deficits, all kinds of services cut, including health care and education. Maybe the NDP wasn’t so bad after all.

Tickled Pink

Love it when folks who’ve never left their tiny corner of the world are convinced it’s the absolutely best part of it. It’s a great statement to wipe any trace of their credibility.

Tickled Pink

Heard some complaints from people about our dog barking. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.

Ticked Off

That Kenney is raising our taxes via the education tax portion of our municipal taxes and counting on people blaming the cities instead of him.

Ticked Off

That voters think that all union people are lefties. I do have a mind of my own and do what is best for my family.

Ticked Off

I live in a large playground zone but can’t go five minutes without it sounding like a drag strip out there. The penalties for speeding are laughable at best.

Ticked Off

Justin “not my prime minister” Trudeau’s inept handling of the Indigenous blockades shows that he will have no plan for a pandemic and his “sunny ways” approach to every problem will be Canada’s demise!

Ticked Off

Barnes needs to go. Kenney needs to go. They are not supportive of struggling Albertans. Next election vote no to UCP.

Tickled Pink

If the TV show “The Walking Dead” would film an episode in downtown Medicine Hat.

Tickled Pink

When Canadians stand up and say enough is enough.

Ticked Off

At the couple in the white BMW that parked in front of the 28 Street entry doors to Chinook Village on Feb 21. Another car parked behind you and an SUV around the corner. I had to park about 50 feet from the door to drop off my mom, who is very unstable on her feet and uses a walker.

Ticked Off

By doctors that keep prescribing Zopiclone and like drugs on a continuous basis as they are highly addictive drugs and all of the research is clear they are meant for short-term use only.

Tickled Pink

If our teachers and public service would trim their wages back to the national average. This would demonstrate their desire to help with balancing the budget and show their genuine concern over the level and quality of service to their clients in the province.

Ticked Off

Medicine Hat needs about 20 acres fenced off with a cemented walking path around the inside borders. This would be for large dogs only.

Ticked Off

At the same time my overpriced phone/internet bill goes up the company I’m with starts giving out free phones and internet access to those that can’t afford it.

Tickled Pink

Our mayor always gives me cause to smile when he states that our local economy is doing well in spite of record unemployment and bankruptcies. His metrics certainly differ from mine.

Tickled Pink

Premier Jason Kenney is doing an excellent job of cleaning up the mess that NDP and Notley created. Good job, Alberta.

Ticked Off

See what happens when you place all your eggs in one basket. Parts and other items not available as the Chinese factories close. Order North American to save our country.

Ticked Off

Is the public in Medicine Hat supposed to be grateful when the gas stations lower the prices a few cents? No. Make them as low as other cities in Alberta.

Tickled Pink

I’d like to say thank you again to the young woman who came out to help me bring in my recycling after my surgery. You never fail to amaze me with your kindness and that wonderful smile every time I’m there.

Ticked Off

At the person who took my shoes from the bowling alley on March 2. By now you must realize the shoes you wore home were not yours.

Tickled Pink

With the Rattlers women’s volleyball team. You provided exciting entertainment this season. A special shoutout to Shaya Suchy for never quitting regardless of the outcome. Good luck with future endeavours, we will miss you.

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