October 21st, 2024

City Notebook: You get what you ask for

By Collin Gallant on June 29, 2024.


Lethbridge College is now Lethbridge Polytechnic, which is kind of surprising and isn’t.

The change, to offer apprentice programs alongside diplomas, was announced this week after several other schools – Red Deer College and Grande Prairie – received similar change in scope.

Didn’t they get the “Campus Alberta” memo 10 years ago when the government told the province’s post-secondary institutions in no uncertain terms to stay in their lane, and cut out programs that were duplicated elsewhere in Alberta?

Medicine Hat College struggled through it and played by the rules.

But, Lethbridge College with the aid of some grateful alumni and wealthy donors was moved ahead with agriculture programs despite the fact such instruction was being offered in Olds College.

Go figure, but the strategy seems to have worked out well.

Also moving along swimmingly is a second round of irrigation reservoir proposals being thrust at the province during a drought-threat year.

Last week, the News broke reports that Brooks, Newell and the private sector are aiming to become the hydrogen fuel hub in the southeast, and meetings this week laid it out to the area’s MLA, Premier Danielle Smith.

With a byelection coming in Lethbridge to replace outgoing (and quite popular) MLA Shannon Phillips, one can only imagine what’s in store for southern Alberta’s other mid-sized centre.

Speaking of…

New Alberta NDP leader Naheed Nenshi reached out to outlets outside Edmonton and Calgary (the other called “other” in Alberta), and the results are elsewhere in this edition.

Of course, United Conservatives energized at the thought of going up against the former Calgary mayor for the next three years.

Heard anything about Calgary’s water system lately? Or taxes there?

Conservatives are nothing if not relentless campaigners. It’s started already.

But they also tend to take it for granted that everyone thinks exactly the way they do.

They predicted it would be a slam dunk in back to back elections to unseat Nenshi who rose to larger fame for his handling of the 2013 floods.

On a side note, many conservatives quietly mused that the person who replaced Jason Kenney had to be someone who could beat Rachel Notley, or at least debate her without looking like a chauvinist.

The blanket analysis is that Nenshi got the top job in his newly joined party because he can match Smith on the debate stage.

It’s a big stage however, and a long time until the next election.

A look ahead

It’s Canada Day up Canada Way on Monday with activities planned at Kin Coulee and the Stampede Grounds, Elkwater, Redcliff and more than a few backyards in Medicine Hat.

City council sits on Tuesday to discuss a variety of matters but also scheduled is a verbal update on the recent operating changes in council chambers.

100 years ago

Jazz-age living could cause goitres, according to an address to the American Medical Association annual conference as told in the Medicine Hat News in late June 1924.

“High-powered motor cars, dances, theatre, cabaret, liquor and the innumerable factors that play a part in the regular life of urban adolescents today have such a hectic pace that human nervous system is not equal to it,” it was hypothesized.

The retiring head of the National Medical Women’s Association, Dr. Katherine Manion, however, provided a rebuttal.

“The modern girl is the healthiest and happiest girl the world has ever known,” she said. “Girls used to be defenceless creatures … The girl of today who swims, plays golf, rides bicycles, bobs her hair, goes without a corset, and wears flat heels is something to be mighty proud of.”

Collin Gallant covers city politics and a variety of topics for the News. Reach him at 403-528-5664 or via email at cgallant@medicinehatnews.com

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