February 13th, 2025

Rebuilding economy a Conservative priority

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on March 5, 2021.

Conservatives are focused on re-establishing Canada’s economy in every part of the country and in every sector, through targeted planning on job creation and getting people back to work.

The pandemic has become an extraordinary threat to the lives and livelihoods of Canadians that requires an extraordinary response. Conservatives supported, even enhanced the framework, for short-term spending increases to help struggling Canadians. Yet, at the same time, there must be a focus on what occurs following the pandemic. Canadians have a right to know what comes next. Emergency aid – while necessary right now – is not an indefinite solution.

The Liberals are a risk to Canada’s economy and in turn your own personal financial security. They can’t be trusted with jobs and the economy, having proven repeatedly over the past five years they are incapable of getting us out of a recession.

Prior to the pandemic, the Trudeau Liberals had already ruined Canada’s once-enviable financial position with their reckless spending. They wasted your hard-earned money on their friends and vanity projects. Like all governments, they massively increased spending in response to the pandemic. However, for the Liberals, the spending of the past is just the beginning. They plan to keep up their big spending, big debt agenda well after the COVID crisis has passed, which will financially crush our nation.

Indeed, they view the pandemic as an opportunity to “re-imagine” Canada’s economy. What that means is a risky experiment that has failed wherever it’s been tried before. It’s an agenda where Liberals in Ottawa choose which sectors benefit and which don’t. It is likely to put untold Canadians out of work, but as always, the big winners will be their well-connected friends. It defies belief that they would risk our economic future at a time like this.

Securing our country’s future must mean a recovery for all Canadians, not just those that meet some ideological Liberal litmus test. Employment opportunities, job growth in every sector and in every part of our country is key to Canada’s future success. Recovery must encompass oil and gas, lumber, agriculture sectors, international trade and trade across provincial boundaries, among others. It cannot be just a recovery for Liberal-friendly commerce.

Canadians need to be able to trust their institutions and government representatives, for without trust we become a broken nation. Trust means doing what you say you will do. It means dependability and certainty. My Conservative colleagues and I will always strive to conduct ourselves with accountability, integrity and transparency.

At the heart of my work in Parliament is the belief that the goal of government must be the common good for all, with circumstances that allow people to achieve their full potential. To nurture, mobilize and encourage generosity, pride, talent and solidarity.

Hearing directly from constituents helps me to better represent the views of families, business and municipalities of the Medicine Hat-Cardston-Warner riding in Canada’s Parliament. Therefore, I invite you to review constituent responses from my recent budget consultation survey at glenmotzmp.com.

Glen Motz is the Member of Parliament for Medicine Hat-Cardston-Warner

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