March 6th, 2025

MP Report: A vision for Canada

By Medicine Hat News Opinon on January 4, 2019.

In the spirit and optimism that a New Year brings, this January column will focus on what Canada could be, the Canada I envision.

I envision a Canada where all Canadians are equal; where we believe in the value and dignity of all human life; where there is individual freedom, including freedom of speech, worship and assembly; where the most vulnerable are protected and feel safe; and where it is the responsibility of individuals to provide for themselves, their families and their dependents, recognizing that government must respond to those who require assistance and compassion.

I envision a Canada where individual Canadians can enjoy the fruits of their labour to the greatest possible extent; where the best guarantee of prosperity and well-being is the freedom of individuals to pursue their legitimate self-interest within a competitive economy, free of government interference and bureaucracy; where individual initiative is rewarded, excellence is pursued, security and privacy of the individual is provided and prosperity is guaranteed by a free competitive market economy; and where the greatest potential for achieving social and economic objectives is under a global trading regime that is free and fair.

I envision a Canada where government operates in a manner that is accountable and responsive to its citizens; where we are governed in accordance with our Constitution and the rule of law; and where a good and responsible government is attentive to the people it represents, displaying integrity, honesty and concern for the best interest of all.

I envision a Canada where government equally respects all provinces in confederation; where we feel united as a nation; where one region is not pitted against another; where equalization is fair, flexible, and nimble enough to ensure provinces in need get help from those doing well enough to help; and where government takes the lead in working with its provincial partners to modernize and eliminate inter-provincial trade barriers in transportation, commerce, labour, and capital mobility.

I envision a Canada that actively pursues the responsible development of our natural resources; where job creation and economic opportunity created by our energy sector is valued; and where we understand that the quality of the environment is a vital part of our heritage to be protected by each generation for the next.

I envision a Canada that has a fair, orderly and compassionate immigration system; where we put the world’s most vulnerable refugees first; and where our borders are secure.

I envision a Canada where government balances fiscal responsibility and accountability; where taxes are low, government debts are reduced, productivity is increased, a competitive economy is realized, quality job opportunities are improved, and Canadians experience a higher standard of living.

And I envision a Canada where elections are free from outside influence, fair and transparent; where Canadians appreciate the privilege and right we have to live in a democracy and vote.

This vision for Canada is possible and begins with a change in government in 2019.

Glen Motz is Member of Parliament (CPC) for Medicine Hat-Cardston-Warner.

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