January 15th, 2025

On the Importance of The Name of Jesus

By on July 23, 2020.

Source: GENEralities
On the Importance of The Name of Jesus
This is my new template for homily/sermon manuscripts. We used to call this sort of thing a do-nut in my CKY-TV Winnipeg commercial production days. A commercial or “spot” would have a pre-produced brand standard beginning and end and we would fill the middle with whatever was the message and the deals of the day. An homily should do the same. Declare the brand, tell them what’s good and new, and remind them of the brand. Our brand is…JESUS…what he did and taught, his example, how he opens the Scriptures and how they point to and bear witness about him (Lk24.27, John5.39). What the truth in Jesus (John14.17, Eph4.21) is for us this day and thus and so until we end, as we began, with…JESUS. Too simple? Will anybody notice? Maybe not. Too careless of the Holy Trinity? Perhaps. Yet I feel that we Anglicans don’t use Jesus’ Name enough in our church and mission speak. Glory to God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—by all means yet say all we say and do all we do in the Name of Jesus and for his sake. There is power in that Name. This is my way of keeping myself and my writing and speaking on track so I may more clearly, nearly and dearly love, worship, enjoy, follow and obeyJESUS. 

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