September 20th, 2024

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Friesen a trailblazer for women to follow

By Letter to the Editor on October 30th, 2021

Dear editor, I am so looking forward to the swearing in of our new mayor and council on Nov. 1. It is exciting to see this contingent of competent, capable women take their seats at the council table. Prior to the ceremony, I would like to acknowledge and appreciate the incomparable Julie Friesen for her ... Read More »

3 responses

Letter: What happened to reform?

By Letter to the Editor on October 30th, 2021

Dear editor, With another round of elections over, new governments were sworn in across Alberta this week, and a new Parliament will be in session in November. This was the seventh federal election I’ve voted in, or about one every 900 days since my first, in 2004. Four of those elections rank in the bottom ... Read More »

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Letter: War Amps veterans have left a lasting impact

By Letter to the Editor on October 27th, 2021

Dear editor, As we approach Remembrance Day, I’d like to pay tribute to the veteran members of The War Amps. The War Amps was started by amputee veterans returning from the First World War to help each other adapt to their new reality as amputees. They then welcomed amputee veterans following the Second World War, ... Read More »

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Letter: A new day has dawned in Medicine Hat

By Letter to the Editor on October 27th, 2021

Dear editor, I am extremely ecstatic with the election of our new mayor and council. It truly feels like the end of the “old boys club” and that people truly wanted change. But what is it that people were expecting? What difference would gender make? We all have our theories and here is mine. Traditionally, ... Read More »

1 response

Letter: No one has the freedom to break laws

By Letter to the Editor on October 27th, 2021

Dear editor, Canada is a country that believes in the rule of law. This means all citizens, in principle, must obey the laws or face censure. If there are laws that are outdated or are demonstrably unfair or unjust, then there are legal and peaceful ways to adjust these laws. But under no circumstance does ... Read More »

3 responses

Letter: Pedestrians at risk downtown

By Letter to the Editor on October 21st, 2021

Dear editor, Thousands of dollars have been spent in the past few months on hastily reconfiguring the First Street SE and Sixth Avenue SE intersection as part of the Towne Centre development. Additionally, thousands have been spent on the trailway along S. Railway and Carry Drive. Meanwhile, long-term plans for downtown pedestrian safety have been ... Read More »

1 response

Letter: Accessibility shouldn’t be a problem for voters

By Letter to the Editor on October 20th, 2021

Dear editor, I voted early at the Stampede grounds. They had the polling station at the grandstand. One would think Elections Alberta could have found a location that had a power door for people who use wheelchairs. Or better yet, why doesn’t the grandstand have a power door for wheelchair users? This isn’t 1921 and ... Read More »

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Letter: Building Meridian Dam would be a smart plan

By Letter to the Editor on October 20th, 2021

Dear editor, With the gradual loss of the South Saskatchewan water supply from glaciers in the summer, it seems like a good idea to me to build up a water supply throughout the whole year – especially in the spring – when there is an over-abundant supply. It would be smart to plan and build ... Read More »

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Letter: Having differing beliefs not, in itself, the problem

By Letter to the Editor on October 20th, 2021

Dear editor, The differing beliefs about COVID continue to cause division, and force people to make difficult choices. There seems to be two extreme camps (and various ones in between). One that believes COVID is a hoax of the world powers, and the vaccine is a poison (or worse). And one that believes COVID is ... Read More »

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Letter: Loss of glaciers has massive impact on water supply

By Letter to the Editor on October 15th, 2021

Dear editor, Glaciers supply much of Alberta and Western Canada with drinking water, especially at times of the year when other sources of water are at their lowest, (University of Alberta atmospheric sciences associate professor Jeff) Kavanaugh said. “Glaciers pick up the slack right when we need it the most,” he said, as they provide ... Read More »

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Letter: Everyone should play by the same set of rules

By Letter to the Editor on October 15th, 2021

Dear editor, Costco has now become part of the problem. By not enforcing the mask mandate they are giving the anti-maskers the OK to break the law and encouraging that bad behaviour in other public places. The people who are abusive to staff in these places are probably jumping up and down shouting, “It’s working! ... Read More »

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