February 16th, 2025

Letter: Alberta needs to start skating to where the puck is going

By Letter to the Editor on January 12, 2023.

Dear editor,

Premier Smith and her Ministers are accusing Trudeau of wanting to end oil and gas jobs in Alberta. They neglect to mention that’s been happening for years due to automation, which EY Canada says could continue to remove another 30% of jobs in oil and gas by 2030.

Nor does the premier or her crew talk about the likelihood that demand for our products will fall. As of Jan. 1, Hyundai no longer sells internal combustion vehicles in Norway; Volkswagon and Volvo are not far behind. Will that be the last country to fully embrace EVs?

In 2022, heat pumps outsold furnaces in the U.S., and the E.U. is moving ahead with plans to install 45 million heat pumps in residences alone by 2030; where is our natural gas demand going to come from in the coming years?

Wayne Gretzky said “Skate to where the puck is going.”

We would do well in Alberta to heed his advice.

Sincerely yours,

Roger Gagne

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