February 10th, 2025

Letter: Why do seniors keep buying lies told by (non) conservative politicians?

By Letter to the Editor on September 29, 2022.

Dear editor,

You would think these phony Conservatives, Reformers had cost Albertans enough, yet we still see many of our fellow seniors believing every lie they feed them, while they continue to help the rich steal our oil and tax wealth, in an attempt to buy votes.

How can you ignore what they have done to us? Taking a gamble that Trump would win the last election cost taxpayers $1.3 billion, wasted on the Keystone pipeline when Biden made it crystal clear he wouldn’t support it, was just plain stupid.

Creating the lie that foreign corporations were attacking our oil industry cost us $3.5 million, when not one single oil executive agreed. They knew it was a lie.

Now we are being sued for $3.5 billion by Australian Coal company Atrum Coal Ltd. for not going along with its desire to destroy our mountains and water supply, which our hero Peter Lougheed protected for us. And while Jason Kenney fed us the lie that it was being done safely in British Columbia, the firm Tech Coal was being fined $60 million for polluting rivers in B.C. and Montana, and we weren’t suppose to be smart enough to know that.

Now Justice Minister Tyler Shandro wants to waste more money suing Ottawa for doing the right thing on putting a ban on assault rifles and handguns. In other words they would bring the American Republican Donald Trump brand of stupid gun violence to Canada, while they praise criminal truckers for costing taxpayers $36 million, and they don’t care.

The point is as my senior conservative friends and I have been saying, there is nothing conservative about any of them, so why is anyone supporting them?

While retired lawyers warn us about the horrible mess Danielle Smith is promising to create for seniors, who do we see at these rallies supporting her?

Seniors, of course.

Alan Spiller


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2 years ago

It’s simple: you and your compatriots consider the kids doing things differently than they would to be a greater risk than having a chance dying unsupported in the cold. At the same time, they’re the most expensive (and least productive) group of people to support.

Any fiscal conservative project is eventually going to toss seniors into the meat grinder, you’d just rather see some other people go in there first. When the time comes, enjoy the bed you made.

2 years ago

Maybe too many boosters?? You do know that affects the brain right?