February 9th, 2025

Letter: Get out and use your vote

By Letter to the Editor on September 15, 2021.

Dear editor,

I urge everyone who has a vote to use it. That effort is much more effective than complaints over coffee.

There is an urgent need for MPs who will push for meaningful action to reduce global warming. The droughts we are already experiencing threaten our food supply. There is also need to address dire economic uncertainty. Tax rebates do not help those whose entire income is below taxable.

The people we send to Ottawa will shape the future of our country for years to come.

Helen Reid

Medicine Hat

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3 years ago

Vote for Peter Lougheed you ignorant seniors!

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

It was former MLAs from the Lougheed government who taught me that nothing will financially destroy seniors faster than a private for profit health care system will and I certainly believed them.
One of my American cousins has been saying for years “For God’s sake don’t let anyone destroy your Public Health Care System, Trust me , you don’t want ours”.
It’s the number one cause of bankruptcies in the U.S.

It isn’t surprising that reformer Erin O’Toole has been promising to do just that and has been praising his buddy Jason Kenney for the way he has handled the pandemic. He doesn’t care how many people he killed.

Now watch this moron attack me.