February 7th, 2025

Letter: It may look bad, but it’s cost-effective

By Letter to the Editor on September 8, 2021.

Dear editor,

I don’t often agree with anything the UCP government does, but paying people $100 to get a vaccine a shot is a quick way to do it. If it works, good. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t cost that much money.

It may look bad, but if the person doesn’t get vaccinated, gets COVID, takes up a hospital bed – or worse, an ICU bed – it will cost thousands of dollars. It is cost-effective to pay people $100 to get vaccinated.

However, the people I know who are not vaccinated are unlikely to get vaccinated for money. Hopefully some will agree. Our health system is being compromised and any idea is a good one at this point.

Diane MacNaughton


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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

The truth is it’s nothing more than clever trick to buy votes from ignorant Albertans , just like Klein did with his $400. Ralph Bucks.
While these Reformers whine about what Notley was spending to fix the mess she inherited they are wasting a lot more than she every did on stupid mistakes. This one will cost taxpayers $20 million if everyone takes advantage of it. Add that to the massive health care costs his stupid handling of this pandemic has cost that.
This money could have been used to ensure he doesn’t cut doctors, nurses, and teachers wages after what they have been through.
As people are saying instead of rewarding them , with bribes, for not getting vaccinated he should be fining them. That makes a lot more since.
Kenney is so desperate to save his hide he will try anything. We think that even his Reform Party buddy Erin O’Toole told him to get lost he is such a disaster for these phony conservatives.